A thrilling desert walk!
Verse for Today: Saturday, October 27, 2012
Exodus 12:37 – The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.
Our pilgrimage ordained of the Lord is a step by step walk as He leads us. We need not know the route or keep a map with us other than the map book that is given to us. This map book is both a travel guide and a book of His love for us. All the resources for the journey are guaranteed. He walks in front of us and leads us with His light day and night. It is interesting to remember that the Israelites came to Egypt on chariots and animal back during the time of Jacob and Joseph. At that time, chariots and animals were required because they had to go in a hurry to meet their beloved Joseph. When God brought them out of Egypt to go to Canaan, they were led on foot as each step was to be taken by faith and trust in the promises of God. On their way to Egypt, they were going to Joseph who was there to meet their needs. In Canaan they were to meet the invisible God who would meet all their needs from the unseen heavenly reservoirs. They walked a step at a time so that the members of their families could walk with them. The Lord led them out as families and as tribes because their blessings and roles in God’s sovereign plan were all laid down through the blessings they received from Jacob. Walking with the families would also mean mutual support, help and fellowship. The fathers and the brothers had the responsibilities to look after and lead their wives, mothers, sisters and the children. It was a fellowship walk by faith. It was a friendly walk with neighbours and friends. It was a walk under the leadership of Moses who received all instructions from God for each day of their walk. Their God walked with them each step of the way and led them by His hands. It was a pilgrimage walk of expectancy, hope and faith. Today we have the privilege to walk with the Lord each step of the way, trusting Him to lead and guide us to meet all our needs by casting all our cares on Him.
Dear reader, are you buffeted by the cares of your walk? The walk of the Israelites is a message for you to learn to trust your Lord who has brought you out from bondage into this pilgrim way. The Lord knows the length of your walk, the duration and the road. He knows what your needs on the way are and has made provisions for it all. He gives you the grace to walk a day at a time. He guides and leads you each day with all the provisions that you need on that day. His grace is sufficient for each day to meet all its challenges. He wants you to take steps of faith as ordained of Him. He knows your capacity to walk and will not hurry you beyond your ability which He granted. He knows the surface on which you walk and gives sufficient protection and care lest you fall. He allows enough rest as you lean on to Him and in His everlasting arms which are underneath you to guarantee safety and security. His guidebook of direction is also your lamp and light for your pathway. You are not required to amass resources for the walk because the Lord has prepared for all your needs on the way. He expects you to discharge your responsibilities to your family with all the weak ones and help them to walk along with you in this fellowship walk. You are in the company of the great household of faith and so there will be no dull moment during the walk. This walk enables you to sing along, pray and cry together and praise your God which becomes your privilege and opportunity. It is an exuberant walk of faith by casting all your cares on the Lord who cares and provides for you.
Psalms 121:8 – The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Thought for Today
Walking with the Lord through the desert makes it a thrilling and exuberant experience.
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