Abundant grace, peace and mercy!
Verse for Today: Thursday, November 03, 2011
Hebrews 4:16 – Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The throne of grace where our Lord dwells is always open and approachable to all His children at all times. They have free access to go there and touch Him by faith. He wants His children to draw closer to Him with all their heartaches, burdens and troubles. The Lord knows that in their human strength they cannot handle their problems and situations which are beyond their capacity to solve. But our Lord is the Almighty who will help them to handle all their situations well. When they lack peace, He will fill their hearts with the peace that passes all understanding. When their burdens are so heavy that they cannot sleep, He will fill their hearts with the peace that passes all understanding and give them the gift of sleep. When they are filled with grief, He takes it away and gives them inner joy and peace to praise Him in every situation. He gives fellowship to those who are lonely and isolated. When the future is bleak, the Lord becomes their light into the future. When others’ relationships with them have grown sour, He warms their hearts with His love and comforts them. In times of need, He is a friend so close who will never leave us nor forsake us. He knows the needs before we ask Him to meet it, and has provisions to meet it all. But it is imperative that we go to Him as we are and tell Him all about it. His hands of mercy will be upon us to strengthen us to face situations we have never faced before. This Lord is our God to lead us forward even today when we are stuck in rough and touch situations.
Dear friend, perhaps you are going through bitter experiences of life today. Perhaps your heart is grieved with the loss of a loved one and you feel that the loss is irreplaceable and colossal. When you have such a deep vacuum in your life, your Lord will fill that gap in your life with Himself. If you are in the grip of a difficult sickness, loss of job and subsequent financial difficulties and face a bleak future, there is plenty of mercy and grace with the Lord to draw upon. You can go to His throne with full confidence because it is the place full of grace and mercy for His children only. They can go there and dip themselves in His grace because He is able to give you in the measure in which you need it. There is enough grace for the morning when the sun shines and plenty more when you hit your bed lonely and desperate without peace. He will carry your burdens for you and hold you as His precious child in His hands. You will find rest and peace on His broad shoulders. His warmth will take away the emotional paralysis of your heart. He will make your situation work together for your good and for His glory. Today it is your privilege to go to your Lord and receive His mercy in your situation no matte how difficult it is to go through it and how large the need is. The One who was at the tomb of Lazarus with tears in His eyes is the same Lord who is now seated on the Throne of Grace. Today there is a fountain of grace and mercy opened for you to draw from. If you draw close to Him, He will draw closest to you to meet your need and fill your heart with His praise.
James 4:8 – Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Thought for Today
There is a place of quiet rest for the weary soul today at the Throne Room of the King of grace and mercy.
There is a place of quiet rest for the weary soul today at the Throne Room of the King of grace and mercy.
CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com