Dear reader, are you burdened about a dire need in life which requires urgent divine intervention? Perhaps you find no sympathy from any one around in your cause. Most of their words are empty without accompanying action. Perhaps they are helpless because your needs are beyond their capacity to help. But there is no limitation for Jesus to help you. He is the Almighty and all sufficient God. He is also the willing Lord who sympathizes with you in your need. He comes your way each moment and is available for you to seek His help. He is ready to stop any time to help you in your problems. He has listening ears to your cries. His hands are powerful. He wants to touch you today and solve your problems. He has a plan to handle your case in a personal way. All you and I need to do is to call out to Him in our distresses. Day or night is not a deterrent to Him. Perhaps we do not call aloud because of feeble faith. Perhaps we feel that our problems are too big and do not believe that He can solve it. But our Lord is far above all the problems we face and none of these is too hard for Him. He interfered in nature to handle human problems by turning water into wine or multiplying a lunch of a boy into a gourmet meal for a few thousands. He divides a great sea or a narrow river into two so that His children can walk the dry land to go across. He heals in split seconds what doctors tried for years with all possible means. When He says, it happens and when He touches things change. Today He wants to reassure you and challenge you to call His name and cry unto Him to handle your problems. The Lord who stopped for Bartimaeus will stop for you also. Remember, the Lord Jesus is passing your way today and He is available for you to meet your needs and provide you with an option to follow Him as His disciple.
Psalms 145:18 – The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. Thought for Today The limitation to our concerns and problems being resolved is our willingness to call on the Lord to come and help us in our times of dire need.CONTACT US: