An angel on every step!
Verse for Today: Thursday, February 21, 2013
Genesis 24:7 – The Lord, the God of Heaven,  will send His angel before you so that you can get a wife for my son from there.

When we are in the perfect will of God, we will be able to see how God works in our every step. This truth is vital today as it was centuries back when Abraham lived. Abraham was sure about the way God would lead him in the marriage of his son Isaac. In fact, Abraham could sense in his soul about the choice God had already made for his son. He was so confident as to send his servant to identify the girl and bring her to Isaac. He knew that God would send his angel to show his servant the way. Abraham had such visitation of angles in his life before. So he was confident to send his servant to go forward by trusting in his master’s God. Abraham knew that the choice for Isaac was already made by God in His infinite wisdom. He believed that God had already prepared the person who was to become the link in the promised blessings to the whole world. It was only a matter of time to meet that person and invite her into Abraham’s family. So there was no doubt in Abraham’s mind about the way his God would guide. We find such realities in divine guidance in our daily lives today when God sends His angels with commission to prepare our way. As we take steps of faith, God would have already prepared our next step to put our feet down. God prepared Rebekah and helped Eliezer to meet her and bring her to Isaac. Today we find that God prepares our steps in His infinite wisdom and leads us through those steps with commitment and faith in our hearts that He will guide us further.

Dear friend, are you at the crossroads of life today, wondering which way to turn? Your intelligence and experience might point towards the smartest and the quickest way. Your friends might show you the easiest way. But if you consult the Lord God of Heaven, He will show you His way. You don’t need to know how it would work out, but you need to take steps of faith as He has already commissioned His angels to go before you to prepare your way. They will guide you every step of the way to make progress in your sojourn. God will fill you with insights about your future steps, one at a time and one day at a time. You should not be impulsive and jump ahead of the angel, but wait for God’s plan to unfold. Then you will see the amazing revelation of Rebekah unfolding in front of your eyes. God’s preparation and plan for your steps are mysteries until you take each step. Even as you go forward and experience each unfolding step, you will be able to see how God was preparing those steps much before you even thought about it. Then you will be amazed to see that it is far more excellent and magnificent than you would have ever expected. Eliezer was thrilled to see that his steps were ordered of the Lord to take him to magnificent situations far beyond his expectations. At the same time, it would not be a shock to him because he had known his master’s faith in action and his master’s God. Eliezer who knew about the miraculous birth of Isaac and the sacrifice on Mount Moriah would not have much difficulty to meet Rebekah in amazing circumstances. Today there are many wells, water jars, willing and committed Rebekahs, homes and receptions God has prepared for your upcoming steps of faith. His angels are working ahead of you so that you can take God-ordained steps of faith with far reaching impact and implications.  

Psalms 37:5 – Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this.

Thought for Today
When God has marked out our pathways and sent angles to prepare our way, we can take our steps forward with confidence and courage.

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