Banquet for the lonely!
Verse for Today: Sunday, September 18, 2011
Revelation 3:20 – “Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me”.
When man lost his fellowship with God through offences, he became hungry and lonely. He had no one to have deep fellowship and no one to provide him with the kind of food which would satisfy his cravings. He also came under bondage and lost his capacity to seek help from God. But God took the initiative to help man to take away his cravings and satisfy him and also to provide him with fellowship. Thus God wanted to take away man’s loneliness and take him to a banquet. This experience of joyful feasting of all the heavenly blessings is available today to the sinners. But as we live in the sinful body, all God’s children go through the experience of loneliness which makes them spiritually weak and weary. The Lord Jesus is the best friend of the lonely people who comes to us to fill our lives. He is the song of the lonely. He gives fellowship to them. He takes them to the heavenly feast in His banquet hall. He gives them all that they would need to satisfy their craving for all that their souls would desire so that they would not need to go to any other source. The world’s sources will give lukewarm waters from the broken cisterns of this world which will make life empty and frustrated. This was the experience of Lot which made him more and more exasperated day by day and plunged his life into one of saddest embarrassment.
Dear reader, are you lonely for fellowship today? Do you feel all alone? Have you become friendless? But you have a friend in Jesus who wants to give you fellowship and invite you to His banquet hall with all heavenly blessings which you can be freely enjoy and become fully satisfied. When you feel lonely, friendless and abandoned by all, you need not get frustrated because your Lord will not forsake you. He is the friend of the friendless. During the earthly ministries of our Lord Jesus, He spent most of His time with the poor and rejected people in the society. He touched their lives and became their friend. He transformed their lonely lives to become joyful. He gave such grace to Peter, Paul and Silas when they were in prison. When Daniel spent a night with the hungry lions, He was there to give him the peace that passed all understanding. When the three Hebrew young men were alone in the furnace, He went to give them company. Joseph and Jeremiah enjoyed His fellowship in the dungeons of life. Perhaps you are alone in a hospital room or abandoned and cheated by people and pushed into solitary confinement in a foreign country for no fault of yours. May be you are serving in an offshore platform or mine facility and feeling frustrated without fellowship. You might be in a location far away from home and feeling homesick. No matter what your situation is, the Lord is with you and He will fill your heart with Himself. You will be able to speak to Him even though He is invisible to your naked eyes. When you read and meditate on His Word, He will reveal His glory to you. He will fill your every desire with Himself and strengthen your soul in times of weariness. He will take away the heaviness of your heart and fill the vacuum with His grace and peace and lead you forward moment by moment. If you are made lonely by the world because of your stand for the Lord, He will give you friends in the household of faith to enjoy fellowship. Soon the Son of righteousness will shine upon you in your dark dungeon. Remember, loneliness has produced greatest hymns and works like The Pilgrim’s Progress. Many of the Epistles of Paul came out of his solitude in a dungeon. May God grant you the grace to transform your time of loneliness that He allows in your life to be a time of rich ministries of great impact in other lives.
Psalms 68:6 – God sets the lonely in families, He leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
Thought for Today
In times of loneliness, our Lord reveals Himself to us in His glory to fill us with heavenly joy, peace and hope for a brighter tomorrow.
In times of loneliness, our Lord reveals Himself to us in His glory to fill us with heavenly joy, peace and hope for a brighter tomorrow.