Battleground support!
Verse for Today: Friday, December 07, 2012
2 Chronicles 14:11 – Lord, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty.

When God is with His powerless people, He becomes their power and makes them powerful and mighty. When He empowers His children, they are fit to fight spiritual battle against the enemy of their soul. He gives them the necessary skills to fight the enemy. He trains their hands to use His armor. The modern war strategists will only find God’s instruments like sling, small stone, mud pot, torch, shouting and staff as silly and meaningless. But When God empowers His children against their enemies, these silly instruments make the mighty to fall. He is their Lord and Master who has designed their destiny. He goes out to the war along with them. God knows our crafty enemy with his cunning and subtle strategies. The enemy strikes in the most unexpected manner at the most unexpected time. His darts come from totally unexpected corners. But our God stands between us and our enemies so as to defeat the tactics of the enemy and keep us safe and secure. But His help presupposes our willingness and humility to depend upon Him and Him alone. If we depend on our own personal strength and expertise, we will not be able to get His strength in us. Self-dependence is our message to God that we can fight the battles on our own and will win with our tactics. This is the sure way to defeat. But if we confess our incompetence and weaknesses, our God will come to fortify us and put up His fence around us. In fact, our God Himself is our fence around us. But we need to perceive dangers which loom large before us through God’s Spirit and seek help from Him at the earliest. If we fail to seek God’s help, we will face the enemy squarely, get defeated and face all the consequences. Today our God is waiting for us to seek His face in the wake of enemy attacks and get deliverance and victory.

Dear reader, are you aware of the fact that you are passing through the enemy territory? The enemy is at war with you and you are passing through a spiritual battleground. The enemy is out there to obstruct your sojourn. He defeated eminent persons like Saul in the battlefield of envy. Some like Gehazi, Balaam and Demas have fallen in the battlefield of covetousness. Some others like David, Solomon and Reuben have fallen in the battlefield of lust. There were others like Absalom who lost in the battlefield of power and Nebuchadnezzar who fell in the battlefield of pride. Diotrephes fell in the battleground of prominence, Miriam fell in the battlefield of jealousy and Moses fell in the battlefield of anger. But our Lord was faithful and He revived those who repented and went back to Him seeking His face. But those who had no repentance faced the consequences of their fall. No matter what battlefield we are in today, if we go to the Lord in utter contrition, He will pick us up and lead us into victory solely through His power and might. He knows our frame and our weaknesses and shows mercy and grace to us. If we call upon Him in confession and brokenness as we falter, He will answer us and come to rescue us from our lowest ebb. There is deliverance in His presence if we are in the battlefield of anxiety and frustration. We must confess our inability to win over the emotional battlegrounds of depression, hopelessness, loneliness and friendlessness. Then our God will come to help us fight these battles and give us victory. He will give us what we lack in our lives to keep fighting the battles and will lead us to victory over all our emotional, spiritual and social battles. We will march from victory to victory in and through God’s strength and power.

Psalms 18:39 – You arm me with strength for battle; You made my adversaries bow at my feet.  

Thought for Today
When we declare and confess our utter inability to fight, our Lord will strengthen us with His Spirit to fight and get victory.
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