Be victorious to be a blessing!

Verse for Today: Saturday, July 30, 2011
1 Corinthians 15:57 –
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Victory over our circumstances and situations is a gift that God gives to His children. It is positionally given to us as His children. But it has to be appropriated in all our situations. First of all we need to cultivate a deep desire to live victoriously in all our situations rather than become a slave to it. When the winds of difficult situations blow on us, we have the privilege to go and hide under the shadow of the Lord and take refuge under His wings. But the natural instinct for us as humans is to seek a solution on our own. We are inclined to depend on our past experience and our knowledge bank. Our intellect comes to help us with logical answers to solve our problems. When our health fails, we often run first to a hospital rather than to the Great Physician. When we are short of money, we rush to borrow from a bank or a friend. When we are friendless, we try to use our ability to make new friends by using our personal charisma and verbatim. But these solutions are simply human and do not last for long and often land us in deeper trouble from which we will find it difficult to get out. But our Lord is waiting for us to go to Him with our situations and ask Him for a release. He knows about it even before we go to Him. He has answers which will satisfy all our inquisitiveness. But He gives it to only those who seek after Him and His ways. The victory the Lord offers is far superior to all that human mind can create because the Lord puts His seal on His ways which He wants us to walk. The victory that is offered to us is through the Lord Jesus Christ who is the victorious Lord seated on the Throne in Heaven, controlling everything. He has already won over all our enemies including death. When we approach the Father through the victorious Son and show our total dependence on Him, we will receive His victory to enjoy which would cause us to praise Him.

Dear friend, you might be thinking that your life is often a failure. It is possible that you loose out on the many battles that you are engaged in. There is every possibility that you become disillusioned because you are unable to win over your situations. But you must remember that you are already declared a winner. You are on the side of the victorious Lord Jesus who has won over all the situations that you have encountered. All you need to get this victory is to go to Him and claim the victory He has secured for you. The Lord has asked you to seek His help in putting this victory into practice in your situation. If you ask Him, He will give you the strength to accomplish victory in all your circumstances through His Spirit. You might find a lot of snares and snags on your path to discourage you and distract you from your devotion to the Lord. The enemies use different strategies to defeat you. But the Lord knows these strategies and has given you appropriate weapons to handle your difficult situations. If you use these weapons appropriately you will be able to get victory. Apostle Paul knew this victory in his daily life and ministry. He sought after the Lord and His victory. Trusting Him to give victory, Paul went forward in every circumstance and appropriated victory. He told his audience, including the Corinthian church, that there is victory available for them in all their circumstances through Jesus Christ. We are challenged today to ask for victory and claim it which should lead us to praise the victorious Lord Jesus.

Revelation 5:5a – Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed…”

Thought for Today
Not appropriating the victory that God wants to give us through Jesus is equal to rejecting it.

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