Beyond Imagination!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Psalms 118:23 – This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.

There are times in our lives when we are exasperated about our impossible situations and fall prostrate before the Lord in tears with our petitions. These are situations when we have reached our wit’s end and find no way forward. We would have prayed for months or years together, to find no answer. It would have been possible for our hearts to be filled with unbelief and doubt and even confusion. We ask that these negative emotions are removed from us and still no answer comes from the Lord. As we tarry in prayer, we are often like prophet Elijah who sends the servant to see if there was at least some cloud coming out of the sea for a rain, but there is no cloud. Our unbelief would have sent the servant seven times, to finally reach a stage when we see cloud to the size of a hand and expect some small shower or drizzle, and finally tell the Lord that it is OK and that we will be satisfied with it. But we have no idea what the Lord has planned. He is sending a thunder storm and a great rain to send shock waves of surprise to all including the prophet. Yes, it becomes totally and absolutely the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. The impossible has been made possible in immeasurable standards. At such times, we are overwhelmed with great disbelief about the marvelous ways of the Lord. Perhaps we would have expected a miracle, but not so much as a great miracle to the extent to which we can say boldly that it is totally and absolutely the Lord’s hands and His power. We are amazed at the great catch of fish in the sea of Galilee which refused to give even a small fish a few minutes ago, which made John say it is the Lord, for he knew that it could be none other than the hand of the Lord. Such are the experiences awaiting the children of God as they tarry with the Lord. Through it all, the Lord teaches us each day to keep trusting Him and that we should never underestimate His power and willingness to give to His children.

Dear friend, you and I are so feeble in our faith and do not often have the capacity to understand the degree of benevolence and capacity of the Lord to give. We often do not know how much He is willing to give because of which we decide that a lot of things that the Lord wants to give us will not take place. We write the power of the Lord off and are tempted to live in unbelief and faithlessness. How often have we said that Ishmael is enough and that there is no need for Isaac? These failures of ours to see the capacity of the Lord is because we do not know the Lord adequately. O, that we might receive the grace of the Lord to know Him and the depth of His power! Let us sit at His feet and gaze at His glory and power and cry out that ‘it can be done’ no matter what it is as long as it is for the glory of the Lord. Whether it is the fish or the rain, or a job or a meal, souls for His kingdom, growth of the ministry and even needs in our families, let us learn to trust Him to give it to us. Perhaps it is coming only when all hope is lost and we are ready to give up. The message to us today is loud and clear, that there is no scope to disbelieve the God of Carmel or the Lord of the Sea of Galilee. He is the God of Isaac for Abraham. He is God of Joseph, Moses and Joshua for the people of Israel. He is the God of the divided sea and Marah. He is the God of Boaz for Ruth and Naomi. He is the God of Gideon and Nehemiah who will accomplish His purpose. So Nehemiah can look at the walls of Jerusalem and say that this is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in my eyes. Perhaps it is possible for each of us to look at the many things that are happening in our lives and ministries today and say that it is all great and wonderful and it is marvelous in our eyes, and confess that it is absolutely the Lord’s doing. Today the Lord is telling us to take our hands off our affairs and submit it all to Him to know that He is the Lord of all and that He is still in the business of doing marvelous things which are absolutely unbelievable. May He thus increase our faith in trusting in a marvelous Lord!

John 11:40 – ….. “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

Thought for Today
When we look through the eyes of faith, we can always see marvelous deeds of the Lord at the end of the dark tunnels of life.

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