Breaking through hindrances!

Verse for Today: Friday, December 16, 2011

Luke 17:6 – (Jesus) replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”

Our Lord has given us the privilege to address hindrances and obstacles in our lives to be removed. We are commanded to use our privilege as the children of the Almighty God to weather away the hindrances which the enemy brings on our pathways. We are not to stall our trek of faith because our enemy tries to stop us. Our pathway is one of faith and not sight. When we look to the future through Jesus, we will see only light and not darkness. It is when we take our eyes off Jesus that we see hindrances. We have the authority to command these obstacles to move away from us as we pray in the name of the Lord which is the most powerful name in this universe. But often we are bewildered when we see obstacles and run away or run back. We are not to run back because we are only given weapons to fight forward and march onward. Our weapons are faith and the right use of the Word. As the Word is the Lord, when we use His name, the enemy flees from us. At the name of Jesus, all hindrances are removed. At the name of Jesus, light comes on our pathways. At the name of Jesus, impossibilities in situations and circumstances give way to possibilities. When we approach and deal with hindrances in the name of the Lord, they get uprooted and flee. This is a serious spiritual warfare that we are engaged in and victory is available to us if we exercise our spiritual position as the children of the King.

Dear friend, are you facing hindrances in your spiritual life which discourage you from going forward? Are there huge obstacles on your way when you desire to go forward for the Lord? Hindrances often come from the enemy and we need to face the enemy by faith and get spiritual victory. Often the hindrance is in our hearts and not in front of us. We are get worldly perceptions and illusory thinking about these hindrances from the enemy through our circumstances and situations which make us fearful and so we retreat. But we need spiritual discernment to see if these hindrances are illusions or reality? Either way, we can go forward through the spiritual authority and power we have in Jesus to go forward to accomplish God’s purpose for us. Sometimes hindrances are tests to measure our level of faith and trust in the Lord. These tests come from the Lord or that He would allow us to go through it, to strengthen our faith. But in all these situations and circumstances, we must use the Word of God to combat the hindrances and go forward by faith. We can attempt great things for God by faith in spite of hindrances and roadblocks. This was how Joseph progressed in his walk with the Lord. Daniel and the Hebrew boys had hindrances of various kinds, but they went forward challenging the roadblocks with their faith in the Lord. Israelites faced several roadblocks, but they finally arrived at the Promised Land. When we exercise our spiritual position as the children of the King, we can also get such victories over roadblocks. Hindrances should not scare us, but make us courageous to go forward in the name of Jesus. Today let us exercise our faith in the victorious Lord and ask that the hindrances be removed. Let us go forward in faith and appropriate victory through our Lord.

Exodus 14:15 – Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the Israelites to move on.”

Thought for Today

All that we accomplish for the Lord will meet with resistance from the enemy in the form of hindrances, but we can overcome it all in the power of the Lord.

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