Broken made beautiful!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Psalms 147:3 – He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.

Our situations, circumstances and relationships cause frustrations, heartaches, pain and misery to us. We are attacked by the enemy through situations he manipulates. We are intimidated by the enemy through broken relationships, sharp words and painful body language which shatter us and vaporize our emotional energies. He spreads misunderstandings about us and makes others misinterpret our motives. He makes his agents misrepresent us with the cruel intention of shattering our peace and rest. The wounds which are inflicted upon us cause deep agony and suffocation. These wounds bleed and get infected and take a very long time to heal. The world only adds insult to our injuries rather than sooth it to heal. The World’s medicines only give symptomatic relief with no lasting cure because its medicines lack the capacity to heal the deep wounds and absorb pain. Often the world comes to give us easy ways out of our pain and misery through substance abuse, humor and entertainment which are only impossible escapism. But our Lord Jesus Christ comes to heal our wounds and make us whole again. He puts all the pieces of our broken hearts together and transforms us to streams of joy and peace. He pours oil and wine on our wounds and applies the Balm of Gilead for complete and lasting cure. His medicines include forgiveness to those who injure us, prayer for the oppressors and cries to our Lord for healing. He will then fill our hearts with His Spirit who is the Spirit of joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness and love. He comes to bind our wounds and blows His breeze of love and compassion on it. He revives our depressed hearts with His Word and gives new hope to our sagging spirits.

Dear reader, are you a wounded soul today? Is there a deep wound in your heart which needs dressing, balm and bandaging? Are you shedding tears of pain and frustration because of the wounds the enemy inflicted in you through others? When you cry out of pain and misery because of the deep wounds in your heart, your Lord will come near you and touch your wounds with His nail-pierced hands. His very touch at your sore spots will sooth your wounds and put all your broken pieces together to make you whole again. He will show you the marks of the wounds which He bears in His body which the world inflicted on Him. He will teach you how to respond to the cruel way the world treats you. When He was cruelly attacked by the world, He kept quiet and suffered without any resistance. When the people around inflicted deep wounds in the hearts of Daniel and Jeremiah, they submitted all their pains to the Lord. When Joseph’s heart was deeply wounded because of the treachery and hatred demonstrated by his brothers and the family of Potiphar, he took all his pain to the Lord. When David was hunted after and left deeply wounded in his heart by his father-in-law, he cried out to the Lord in the darkest of his nights in forests, caves and hillside and remained in the Lord’s presence. He was so moved in his pain as to cry out to the Father as to why he was seemingly forgotten? Paul had so much of bitter experiences in his ministry, especially from the household of faith, but the Lord saw his tears and heard his prayers and healed his wounds. Our Lord is near to all who are of a broken heart with deep wounds. But when we cry unto Him, He comes to us and applies the Balm of Gilead to heal our wounds. He binds our wounds and takes special care to give us full healing. He imparts peace in our hearts and makes us whole again. Today His healing touch is available to us if we are willing to go to Him who is the Great Physician and confess our pain and agony to Him.

Psalms 107:20 – He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction.

Thought for Today

If we wrap our broken hearts in the rags of our lives and lay at Jesus’ feet, He will transform it into a stream of joy and peace.
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