Buffer when attacked!

Verse for Today: Saturday, August 06, 2011
Psalms 31:20 –
You hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of man; You keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues.

God’s children are under constant attack by the enemies of their soul. It is no surprise that the world, flesh and Satan, who are our enemies in this world, attack us because we belong to God. These attacks are leveled against us because we live for God by challenging the norms and standards of functioning of the world. The greatest attacks are against those who desire to live righteously as a witness to the name of the Lord. It is the enemies’ wish that God’s children stumble in their Christian walk. They use temptation as a means to make us fall within our heart. They also use external attacks of intimidation wherever we go. Thus we find false accusations, manipulations, distortions, misinterpretations, misrepresentations, unkind criticisms, gossips and the like against God’s children. These are intended to frustrate us and to provoke us to react accordingly. These attacks often cause a lot of damage to God’s people. Many servants of God including Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Paul and others face false allegations and accusations. The enemies used these sharp and powerful weapons against our Lord Jesus while He was physically present in this world. In such situations, God’s servants did not respond in kind, but submitted the matter to the Father who hid them in the secret place of His presence. They were sheltered under the wings of the Father. They experienced the shadow of the Almighty to live, and left the consequences of these attacks to the Father. They received the grace to endure these attacks, but didn’t retaliate and left it with God who is the righteous judge. Thus they were enabled to continue with their divine mission and the ministry they were engaged in.

Dear reader, perhaps you are under attack at this moment by the enemy of your soul. First of all, let us understand clearly that human beings are not our real enemies, but are used by the real enemy of our souls for shadow warfare with us. So let us not be tempted to react against the instruments used by the enemies, but let us focus on the enemy and his tactics against us. We have to confirm to our hearts that when we are attacked, we are right with God in the areas of attack. Secondly, let us expect attacks, that too from unexpected corners and, try to live a righteous life with the help of the Spirit. Thirdly, when attacked, let us go and hide in the presence of the Lord where you will find comfort and strength to withstand the pressures of the enemy. Fourthly do not let the attacks deter you from serving the Lord as in the case of His servants like Moses, Joseph, Nehemiah, Daniel, Paul and David. Fifthly let us all live under the control of the Spirit so that our behavior will be directed by Him and that we would not be discouraged. Let us also seek the face of the Lord in prayer and meditation of the Word so that the Lord would fill us with His peace in the worst of situations. Each time we are attacked, let us run for shield in the presence of the Lord and ask Him for strength. Let us focus on the grace of the Lord to meet the challenges of all the situations of attack by the enemies. Let us also enjoy the peace He gives us through His Spirit at the time of dire need. When we are attacked, let us also pray for those individuals who are used by the enemies to attack us. Let us not allow our souls to be downcast and be depressed, but let us thank the Lord for the privilege to live in this world as His witnesses.

Psalms 27:5 – For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will guide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.

Thought for Today
The presence of God is the greatest buffer for His children against the consequences of attacks by the enemy.

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