Busy for whom?
Verse for Today: Friday, February 08, 2013
Mark 1:16 – As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.

In the wake of the busyness that goes on around the sea of life, a search has been going on for God to find His precious children who should be committing themselves to Him. God seeks after those who alienate themselves from Him as in the case of Adam and Eve in the Garden. We see a searching Jesus who walks around to draw closer to find Peter and Andrew who were busy for themselves. He walked around in search of them, not because He didn’t know where they were. His walking around was for them to meet Him and hear His voice. His message comes to us today through His Word and His Spirit in the midst of our busyness. His search is for us and our lives which He wants so that He can build it up for Him. Without His purpose in our lives, we are wasted and spent on the trivial things of this world. Today Jesus comes to confront us with His claims on us because we are purchased with the Greatest Price ever paid in any transaction in this world. His search is our opportunity to respond to His loving call. He calls us today to re-visit our priorities and make the most incomparable choice in life for Him. When Jesus wants us to follow Him, He wants us to make Him our priority in life. Peter and Andrew had a livelihood in and a passion for fish. They had the vast source of the Sea of Galilee right before them at no cost. Their smartness helped them to get huge catch. They knew how to handle the risks of the sea billows. But their challenge was to replace all of these favorable circumstances with a Person who didn’t even offer a pillow and a mat for them to seep. But what He offered was eternal and imperishable. He challenged them to take the risk of following Him by faith and put all their trust in Him for current needs and eternal inheritance.

Dear friend, are your priorities in life right? Is the cause of Jesus more important to you than any other opportunities and avenues for progress in this world? Are you chasing the wind of material prosperity which is temporal or are you busy investing in eternal opportunities? Jesus knows where your heart is and where you are anchored. He knows where your treasures are and He will see your heart there. He is disappointed that even after knowing Him personally, you have not made Him your priority in life. Today Jesus walks into your territory to give you an opportunity to re-evaluate your priorities in life. He is coming your way to confront you with His claims on your life because He has purchased you for Himself. He expects you to be busier with His affairs. He wants you to evaluate your temporal priorities with the permanent and the eternal that He offers. He doesn’t guarantee temporal benefits like comfort, material riches, luxuries, positions, prestige and prominence. What He offers is an opportunity to walk the Calvary Road carrying the old rugged cross which is the embodiment of humiliation, mockery, rejection, despising, misunderstanding, false accusations and persecution on His behalf. He wants you to consider Him as the sole source to meet your basic needs so that you can serve Him in His power. The world’s busyness gives temporal returns, but Jesus offers eternal and permanent blessings which the wealth of the world cannot purchase. Today Jesus wants to remind you of the higher calling He has for you. He wants you to respond to Him if you love Him more than anything or anyone else in this life.

John 21:15 – ……. Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?”

Thought for Today

When Jesus comes to you, He should see you busy for Him and not for the world.

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