Calvary’ healing touch!
Verse for Today: Sunday, March 24, 2013
Mark 2:17 – On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”

The mission of Jesus is to a world of people who are sick with sin in their souls and subsequently in their bodies. He came to them as the Great Physician who knew their ailments and had the panacea for their infirmities. All the sick that went to Him were healed of their ailments. By going to Him, people acknowledged that they were sick and wanted to be whole. They also acknowledged Jesus as the only true physician who could heal them. He is still the only true physician who Himself is the panacea for all the infirmities of the world. Our world is full of people who are intellectually and emotionally sick, which has led to physical illness as well. Jesus demonstrated that there is permanent cure for sin sickness which is the beginning of emotional and physical healing. Our spiritual healing is eternally secure, but physical and emotional healing will continue as long as we live in the sinful environment. The spiritual healing assures us of a perfect incorruptible body when we reach heaven. But today Jesus offers spiritual healing to all who are willing to admit their sinfulness and acknowledge Him as the Healer. Spiritual healing will lead to emotional healing as it takes away guilt, anxiety and depression and replace it all with faith and trust in Jesus. Today Jesus is willing to touch the lives of all who go to Him with their guilt of sin and confess it. If they acknowledge His death as the means through which they could be forgiven, they will find salvation to their souls. Thus when they are born again as new spiritual persons, their guilt, shame and sinfulness will be replaced with a new life under the control of His Spirit. This new nature will then begin to work on their emotions and bodies. Today Jesus invites all who are sick in their souls, minds and bodies to go to Him and get forgiveness of their sins and to begin a life of healing of their souls and emotions with impact on their bodies as well.

Dear reader, are you seeking intellectual, emotional and physical healing? Have you found religion, good works, pilgrimage and rituals incapable of healing you? Remember, Jesus is the Great Physician who touches your whole person to make you a new creation when you trust Him as your Savior and Lord. If you are finding cure for some physical ailments, you might be sick again. But if your souls are healed of sin sickness, you will be healed eternally. This spiritual healing will lead you to intellectual and emotional healing by giving you divine thinking and eternal bliss to fill your heart and life. Your spiritual healing will definitely work in your bodies to enjoy the touch of Jesus as your bodies are also purchased by Jesus. He will transform it to His likeness as He comes back to take you to be with Him forever. Perhaps your life is filled with tension, pressure, anxiety, worry, anguishes, conflicts and anger which lead to emotional trauma and subsequently affect the functioning of your body and make you sick. But when Jesus touches you and makes you a new person, there is victory over all the emotional and intellectual aberrations which try to shatter you. There is victory for you in all your situations through the grace that is poured into your heart. So you can live without anxiety, worry and apprehensions about your current and future physical and emotional needs. The touch of Jesus will fill you with His joy to strengthen you to keep going forward. Today victory through Jesus awaits you if you willingly submit yourself to Jesus for Him to continue to touch all aspects of your life to lead you to victorious living.  

Exodus 15:26 –  …I am the Lord who heals you.   

Thought for Today
When Jesus touches us, we accomplish wholeness in our whole being by faith.

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