Challenges of faith!
Verse for Today: Thursday, July 18, 2013
Genesis 7:10 – After the seven days, floodwaters came on the earth.  

Even though God knows what He is doing in our lives, it is revealed to us only a step at a time. God wants us to put his faith in God’s eternal wisdom and keep waiting in patience, trusting God to accomplish His purpose. This was the experience of Noah and his family. For over 120 years, Noah had been preaching about God’s good news of salvation and His bad and sad news of the impending judgment. God told Noah to prepare for the flood, but not a word was told about what would happen once the flood started. There was no information about what to expect after Noah and his family, along with other living beings, enter the ark. God wanted them to be at ease, sitting in the enclosed ark for seven days, waiting for God’s action. God had not given Noah any indication about the duration of the flood, when they would return to the earth, what the condition of the new earth would be and how they would have a new beginning. God expected Noah to take it all by faith and trust Him to wait, watch and experience it. Noah did accordingly as he had the holy fear of the Lord in his heart. He was willing to put all his trust in God to do that which would be good for him, his family, the living beings and the earth. Noah’s faith took away his tenacity to ask God a single question about his future, but continued to put his relentless faith in what God would do.

Dear friend, perhaps you are going through a time of total ambiguity about your future and the next step in your life. Like Noah and his family, perhaps you are made to sit quiet for days and months waiting for God to roll the wheels of your life forward. It is at such times that doubts, confusion and apprehensions set in. The more you wait, the greater could be the pressure from uncertainty and delay. Perhaps you might be asking as to why God is not moving even an inch. But this is the kind of life God wants His children to have. He expects us to learn to trust Him for the next step in our lives and put all our faith on Him and relax as Noah did. You might imagine how Noah’s children and wife come to ask him as to why there was no movement outside the ark and for how long they would have to wait. Noah would have smiled and asked them to wait for some more time. Noah with holy fear and faith in his heart could only remind them that his God was in absolute control of his situation and that soon He would move in mysterious ways. When there was no rain and movement of the ark, God was still at work. All through the rain for forty days and nights and as the water receded, the God of Noah was at work to prepare his future. He would come to an unfamiliar terrain with no place to sleep, but it would be the beginning of a new era and a new dispensation of grace. We must wait, as Noah did, for God’s time by faith and believe that God would not make any mistake in our affairs. He will lead us a step at a time and provide for our every need as the days of our lives roll out according to His plan and program. Today the God of Noah challenges us to take Him at His promises and hand our entire uncertain future over to Him and relax and rest. Then we will see Him in action in our lives as per His design.

Hebrews 11:7 – By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.  

Thought for Today
Our seemingly uncertain future will be seen filled with God’s plans and programs as it unrolls a day at a time!

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