Channel of multiplied blessings!
Verse for Today: Monday, March 18, 2013
Matthew 14:18 – And (Jesus) said, “Bring (the five loaves and two fish) here to Me.”

It is pertinent for us to realize that Jesus knows what we have with us that He can use. He expects us to give it to Him so that He can make it to bless others. Our acknowledgment of what we have is often our expression of worthlessness unless Jesus blessed it. But Jesus tells us that He can make use of it no matter how worthless or insignificant it is. When we confess our inadequacy, He will counsel us to submit it to Him to multiply it. He knows that if we keep it, it will go stale or waste. Often our unwillingness to surrender our meager means to Jesus is because of our insecurity about our present and future needs. But God doesn’t want us to selfishly hold on to what He has entrusted with us as stewards and custodians. We are to confess ourselves as faithful stewards and be willing to give it back to the One who entrusted it with us. Our meager means in our own hands will have its limitations, but when it is passed on to Jesus, it will have far reaching impact on other lives. If we willingly submit our meager means to Jesus without grumbling, He will show us to our amazement how He will multiply and use it to meet great needs. Thus our meager means will bring great joy to those who enjoy it. What Jesus does with what we give back to Him will strengthen the faith of all who witness His great ministry of enlargement. Today Jesus is asking us to give all that we have to Jesus for Him to bless and use it for His glory. Let us willingly and joyfully give it back to Him and watch what He will do with it. By heeding to Jesus, we will not be deprived but will be enriched. We get enough and more for our use and so many others will be impacted at the same time.  

Dear friend, are you using all your treasures, talents and time for Jesus? Have you handed it all over to Him to use it as it pleases Him? The transfer of all that you have to Jesus is the mark of true discipleship. If there is anything in your life that is not yet handed over to Jesus, it means that you are keeping His assets for yourself. It might also mean that what you have is not given to you by Jesus. If you keep it to yourself, it will be eaten away by moths, rust and inflation or taken away by thieves. Jesus doesn’t want it if you are unwilling to entrust it with Him joyfully. He has other means to bless His people, but you will miss the opportunity to cause it if you don’t give what has been entrusted with you. Today Jesus is asking you to give Him all your earthly treasures, talents and time. If you have special skills and expertise, He can use it also. If you have spare time after meeting all your justifiable obligations in life, He can use it to touch other lives for Him. If you give willingly and voluntarily, Jesus will bless it and use it for the spiritually hungry and thirsty people around.  It also goes in your account in heaven for which a reward will follow. As you do it, you will also be one of those sitting at the banquet in the desert to satisfy yourself. Will you refuse Jesus His assets that He has entrusted with you? Will you become a channel of blessings for Jesus?

2 Corinthians 9:7 – Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Thought for Today
God proved His love to us by giving us what we didn’t’ deserve, but we prove our love to Him by giving what He truly deserves from us.

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