Verse for Today: Thursday, February 24, 2011
Isaiah 40:1 – Comfort, comfort My people, says the Lord.

Our God is and has always been a God of all comfort. He comforts us like a mother comforts her young ones. He has the right comfort for each situation that His children pass through. His Word is the word of comfort loaded with promises. He comes to wipe our tears when we cry. He strengthens us when we are weak. He is with us when we go through trials and tribulations. He is also like a loving father who comes to comfort his children while they go through His discipline. When they experience loss, He comes to reassure them that He can and will turn their loss into gain at the right time. He reminds us that the loss on earth is not a serious matter and that the real loss is what we might loose in Heaven, and so He admonishes us to consider how not to be losers in the kingdom of God. He is the best comforter when we are lonely, rejected, despised and isolated. He comforts us with His Spirit who is the Spirit of Comfort. The Spirit comes to encompass our hearts and fills us with noble and positive thoughts about what is yet to come rather than wallow over what has been lost. He always helps us to focus on the future and the Heavenly rather than the past and the earthly. As He comforts us, our Lord asks us to comfort others who go through a tough time. Only those who experience God’s comfort and possess it in abundance can pass it on to others who go through similar situations. Not only that, God is concerned about all His children who are the sheep of His pasture and sends His comfort to them all at the right time through His own sources. Today let us search the comforting mind of the Lord through His Word and allow the words of comfort to saturate our hearts.

Dear friend, are you in need of comfort in your heart today? Are you going through grief, rejection, dejection, despondency, resentment, despising, loss or failure? It is possible at times as these for you to probably wonder what the meaning of life here on earth is? Your life is a gift to you by the Lord who is your creator. He recreated you on the cross of Calvary through His death. So you are doubly the precious possession of your Lord. He lives in you and lives for you. He reigns in your heart to govern your thoughts, aspirations, feelings, emotions and desires. When you are hurt through your own guilt or because of the actions of others towards you, or even due to the interplay of circumstances and things in your situations, what you need is comfort and strength without which it is difficult to go forward. It is at this time that the Lord comes to you with His words of comfort. He is primarily asking you today to look unto Him for comfort. You will find Him in your heart, and if you make Him the Lord of all your situations, He will give you the comfort and peace about what is going on in and around you. He will work on your emotions to give you comfort. He will speak to you through His Word which will give you power over your situations and the destructive thoughts which try to take control over you. He will fill you with the power of His Word to overpower the negative thoughts which come from your circumstances. He will help you to hope against hope in the Lord that He will bring your situations to pass and take you forward. He will rule and overrule your circumstances to give you comfort and hope for a brighter future. He will fill your heart with Himself and His Spirit so that your hearts and minds will be filled with His comfort. But you need to allow Him to comfort you through full surrender of your situation to Him. Allow the Lord to govern your thoughts and feelings and make His promises your mainstay in going forward. Let us today hold on to the Lord and His Word because He has made His comfort available to us today through His Word. Let us avail and appropriate the comfort that He wants to give us today and live as people of comfort.

Matthew 11:28 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.

Thought for Today
God’s comfort is the never ending and bottomless ocean to which we are all invited to dip deep and enjoy its abundance for every need every day.

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