Comforting Counselor!
Verse for Today: Thursday, December 20, 2012
Isaiah 9:6b – And His name shall be called Counselor.
We seek the help and support of a mature person when we are confronted with a matter of concern that we cannot handle ourselves. We desire to speak to a person who is willing to listen to our concerns. We look for the response of a wise person about our difficult situations. Finding that the world cannot provide such a perfect counselor, God the Father opened Heaven and sent His only begotten Son to this world as our greatest Counselor to listen to us and to speak to us. When we speak, He listens and when He speaks, He helps us to listen to Him. He is always patient and willing to listen to us no matter what our concerns and problems are. He invites and welcomes us to speak to Him. He expects us to go to Him with keenly listening ears. He has the right response to our complicated situations. He is the source of all soothing and comforting words which are enriching, encouraging and empowering to our souls. He is willing to illustrate all that He says just as a mother teaches little children. He is ever willing to repeat His admonitions and advises. He convinces and convicts us as we listen to Him. He gives us the freedom to ask Him questions so that He can respond. His responses come in perfect love. He never loses His patience when dealing with us because He knows our weaknesses. He understands our shortsightedness and poor memory to remember the lessons that we had learned several times in the past. His voice is melodious and calm and His tone is that of a loving father who pities his children. He is the most wonderful counselor the world has ever known. People marveled at His sermons and gathered to listen to Him forgetting food and rest. They went after Him in times of need to listen to Him. Today He is near us with keen ears and seeks to listen to all our difficulties, problems, shortages, failures, defeat, losses, weaknesses and thoughtlessness. His response will heal us when we are hurt. His Spirit strengthens us to keep following His words day after day. His counsel is freely available all the time. We do not need an appointment to go to this great Counselor. He is available for us right now if only we are willing to go to Him.
Dear friend, are you in need of a person to speak to about what bothers and batters you in life? Do you desire the response of the perfect counselor about your difficult situations and circumstances? Are you frustrated that no one understands you and listens to you? But today you have the privilege to meet the wonderful Counselor that the world has ever known. He is our Immanuel. Even though He never went to school, He is the embodiment of all wisdom and knowledge. He has the perfect answer to all your situations and problems. He met with Abraham and Jacob in their hours of need and counseled them to keep going by faith. He sent His counsel to prophets like Elijah when they faced threats and frustrations. He spoke to Job and explained to Him about the tests that he faced. He spoke to Samuel and guided him in leading the Israelites. He gave Moses the right advises and suggestions about handling shortages, threats, obstructions, hindrances, enemies and rebellion. He interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar and spoke to Joseph and Daniel about it. He met John at the Island of Patmos and Paul and Peter in their prison cells and filled all their visions. He visited Bethany to comfort a bereaved family. His words were therapeutic and His instructions culminated in miraculous changes in situations and among people. Today He welcomes us with open arms. We have the privilege to speak to Him and pour out all our difficulties in His presence. His counsel will comfort, encourage, heal and strengthen our souls to keep trusting Him in all our situations.
Psalms 73:23 – Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel.
Thought for Today
The Lord’s counsel leads us in the rough patches of our lives with hope, faith and patience.
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