Comforting WORDS!
Verse for Today: Friday, November 04, 2011
1 Thessalonians 4:18 – Therefore comfort one another with these words.
There are times when human beings cannot go forward in life without comfort and consolation. We all need encouragement and strength from others because we drain ourselves of courage and strength to keep going when the going gets tough. But often human words are empty and lack the power to impart peace, strength and comfort to us. On the other hand, God’s words are full of His power to touch our lives with strength, comfort, healing and peace. When we read the words of God as recorded in the Bible, they touch us in special ways at the sore spots of our lives and make us whole again. The words of God are full of encouragement and comfort to drive us forward even through the difficulties and problems we face. They carry eternal value to reassure us to keep going forward. We are given these words to comfort each other because no human words can sufficiently console us in the midst of our tears and heartaches. When we use God’s words, a floodgate of peace enters our hearts and gives us the peace that passes all understanding in the midst of great trials. When we are lonely, weak, sick, bereaved, rejected or despised, the words that come from the Word of God are our only means of comfort and strength. We can comfort each other with God’s words. The verses in the Word through which God has spoken to us can be used as a testimony when we use the same verses to console others who are confronted with tensions of various kinds and are cornered by the enemy. The words spoken by God thus help us to build up our faith in the God of the Word. His words penetrate our hearts and minds with divine power and work in us to trust Him and His promises.
Dear friend, are you craving for the touch of the words of our Lord to heal the wounds inflicted in your soul by painful events today? Are you gasping for a breath of comfort and hope? There is hope in the words of our Lord which you can use to comfort yourself and those who are dear and near to you. Jesus said that He has given us His Spirit to dwell with us forever. His Spirit is the Spirit of comfort, encouragement and strength. His words are powerful enough to transform your wounded heart to a powerhouse of strength. His promises are potent and will work in the lives and situations of those who trust Him and take His words to their hearts. You have the privilege to cling on to His words and own them as special blessing to your soul today. His words are like the balm of Gilead with the capacity to heal the broken and wounded hearts. His words can take away your burdens. His words can wipe your tears. His words which encouraged Abraham, Jacob, Elijah, Gideon, Moses, Joshua, John, Paul, Peter and others will encourage you also today. His words are like a string to hold on to those who are struggling to survive through difficult circumstances. His words are what are given to you today as the Word of God which is full of promises. You are instructed in the Word not to fear, not to be anxious and desperate and not wallow in hopelessness. Whatever that is happening to you today is with His knowledge. Perhaps He has permitted painful events to come your way. But what He sends is to your blessing and not desperation which is often understood only when you reach eternity. He will strengthen and encourage you even through difficult situations and guide you to go forward.
2 Corinthians 1:3 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort.
Thought for Today
God’s Word is stronger than any earthly means to pour peace into your wounded heart.