Concern in action!

Verse for Today: Sunday, May 06, 2012

Psalms 40:5a – Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us.

God’s children are often isolated, despised and rejected by others through willful schemes and actions. They are snubbed and ridiculed in various ways by people who are used by the enemy of our souls. Out bitter experiences in the hands of others are often unbearable and might lead us to bitter tears and heaviness of heart. But when we are confronted by bitter behaviors of rejection and isolation, our Lord comes to us on the wings of a dove to bestow upon us His comfort and concern for us. He performs wonders for us by giving us the strength to weather away the storms that blow against us. These are no small wonders as the Lord enables us to go through mighty storms, waves and wind for which we do not have any capacity or skills. Our Lord has great concern for us. He is thoughtful that we would not perish in the storm. He will not allow our spirits to sag. He doesn’t want our spiritual lives to be shattered against rocky and painful circumstances. So our Lord comes to equip us to face the storms of isolation and rejection. He enables us to fight the vicious schemes which the enemy of our souls uses against us. He trains our fingers and makes us skillful to use His armor to fight the enemy. He enlists us in His army to stand against any vile of the enemy. He supplies us with the necessary war equipments and arms to fight discouragement, isolation, insulation and withdrawal. Our Lord expresses His great concern for us and equips us to stand against the powers of darkness in the toughest moments of our lives lest we stumble through rejection and isolation.

Dear friend, are you experiencing pain and misery in life because you are isolated and rejected by those around you? Are you singled out and made a victim of the cruel behaviors of your oppressors? Is there a feeling of suffocation and restlessness in your soul because of your situations and circumstances? Your Lord wants you to know today that He is mindful of you and has great concern about your situation. He feels your pain and misery and knows about the extent of your rejection and isolation. But He will not leave you alone in your moments of loneliness. The Lord who was with Joseph in the pit and the dungeon is with you to strengthen you to keep going. The Lord who cared for Daniel in the lion’s den throughout the night will be with you during your sleepless nights. The companion of Paul and Silas in the prison cell is your Lord to give you songs in the night. The travel mate on the Emmaus Road is walking with you today. He will strengthen your hands as He trained David for battles so as to lead you to victory. He will strengthen you to build other lives as He equipped the hands of Nehemiah. In your isolated chambers, the Lord will fill you with visions of Jesus just as He did for Paul in the Roman prison. The Lord who brought Jacob back to Bethel for worship with great blessings in his hands will bring you to His presence to fill you with Himself so as to remove your isolation and rejection. The Lord is your portion in times of frustration and misery to transform your life to glorious realms with Him. Today you are challenged to spend time with the Lord who is greatly thoughtful of you and has great concern. He will touch you today with His hands and fill you with miraculous bliss.

Psalms 92:10 – But You have exalted my horn like that of the wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.

Thought for Today

God’s concerns about us are transformed into positive action in our favor.
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