Verse for Today: Saturday, April 23, 2011
Psalms 91:1 – He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

The sojourner of God does not find any safe shelter in this world. He dwells in the tents of the world which are only for a short while. This earthly shelter, whether it is the physical body or the roof above the head, is only temporary. While in this temporary shelter, the child of God is under constant attack by the enemies of his soul. These enemies of his soul see to it that he doesn’t get any rest or relaxation. One after another, the enemies and their tactics inflict on them and try to make their lives miserable. There are temptations from the flesh, attractions from the world and trouble from Satan of various types. But if the sojourner moves into the shelter which is the Lord Most High, he will be able to enjoy a time of relief, safety, security and peace. This is because the tactics of the enemies of our soul will not penetrate into the shelter of the Most High. When we rest in the shelter of God, we are fortified by the Spirit of God and the promises of the Word. We are encompassed around by the presence of God and provided with peace that passes all understanding in all our circumstances. Christian life is a series of difficult experiences because we are sent out like sheep among the wolves. We are like the lily among the thorns in this world. But we enjoy the shelter of God in the shadow of His divine love, care, grace and compassion. We are assured that the tussles of this world are but for a short time and that we will go into our permanent abode where the wiles of the enemy will not penetrate. Today we have the privilege, opportunity and prerogative to live in this great and wonderful shelter of God and enjoy the coolness of His shadow for the comfort of our souls.

Dear reader, in this hopeless world, there is hope for you because you are a child of the King. He knows that you have trouble in this world, but you are not sent out alone to suffer all of these troubles. When you are troubled, your Lord feels the trouble and wants to provide you with a shelter under His shadows. He invites and admonishes you to go to His shelter and take rest even though you are in the midst of the gushing heat of this world. But your opportunity to enjoy a time of rest and peace during this sojourn depends on your willingness to go to the shelter provided by the Lord and enjoy the cool and refreshing shadow which is His presence. You and I need to take the step of faith and walk right into the shadow of the Lord where He blesses us with all the blessings of the heavenly places. He fills you with all the goodness that your soul needs to revive your sagging spirit. He fills your heart with the peace that passes all understanding. He reminds you of all His promises which are being fulfilled one by one day after day. He strengthens you to fight your battles in life against the stark realities of the holy war you are engaged in. He encourages you to keep marching forward by depending on all the goodness that are spread before you on the table of feast even in the midst of difficulties and battles. He enables you to rest in the midst of turmoil and experience the truth that you have Jesus in all you go through and to see you through all your situations. So, dear friend, it is time you cheer up and wake up to the sublime truth of the presence of the Lord which is your shield, shelter and shadow in times of troubles and at all times when you walk with Him.

Song of Songs 2:3 – Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste.

Thought for Today
The sweetness and coolness of the shadow of the Almighty takes away the brutal heat of this world from our souls.

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