Cool shadow!
Verse for Today: Monday, May 14, 2012
Psalms 63:7 – Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.
It is very difficult to imagine that a person can find comfort in a desert. But the experience of David speaks to us about the rest and the comfort God gave him when he was running through the desert for fear of his enemies. David was running for life because King Saul and the enemies of Israel were following him. He was opposed because of jealousy and competition. David was found a moral and graceful threat to those around him. They couldn’t appreciate the way God was using him as a blessing to others. They didn’t understand that he was part of God’s plan for them and their country. He had already saved God’s people from the enemy countries and the threat of Goliath. But without any valid reason, he was chased by all who became his enemies. David was forced to stay in forests, caves and even in deserts to escape the attacks of the enemy. He had his share of despair and fear. But in times of trouble and apprehension, David trusted in the God of Israel who spread His wings over David and gave him courage, faith and confidence to keep going. David had to overcome opposition by faith and trust in the Lord each and every moment of his days of isolation and fear. He could go to the presence of God even while he was in the desert. He could enjoy peace and rest in a desert which was the greatest blessing he enjoyed during those days of turmoil. Under the shadow of the wings of the Lord, David enjoyed spiritual blessings which were sufficient to strengthen him to handle all his unfavourable circumstances. The God of David is alive today and He will sustain all His children who go through deserts in their lives under His wings of protection, provision and peace.
Dear friend, are you going through the heat and the roasted sandy storms of a desert in your life? Are you fearfully running for life when you are chased by the enemy of your soul by using people who are close to you? If you are loosing confidence in life, you are reminded by the Lord today that even in the desert, you have the wings of the Lord above you. His wings are your shelter of love, peace and power. His wings give you a cover from the enemies and enhance your confidence, peace and rest. All your weariness in life will be taken away by the coolness of the shadow of the wings of the Lord. Under His wings, you will find solace for your heart near to the heart of God. He will keep your heart from fear and anxiety. He will fill you with His love and peace and will carry your cares and burdens. He will keep you under His wings until He changes your situation. One of these days, He will subdue all your enemies under His feet as in the case of David. You will enjoy His deliverance as in the case of Daniel, Gideon and Joshua. His wings of protection will be upon you as it was for Jeremiah, Peter, Paul and other disciples. You are guaranteed a comforting sojourn through the wilderness because you will be always under the wings of the Almighty. You can cast all your cares upon Him and relax. Today you are reassured by the Lord to make you dwell under His wings with spiritual nourishment, emotional fulfillment and physical protection. It is a life of faith and fellowship with the Lord your God even when the whole world challenges your faith and the power of God over you.
 Psalms 91:4 – He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Thought for Today
The desert experience is worth the trouble when considering it as an opportunity to enjoy the cool shadow under the wings of the Lord.
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