Daily Victory March!
Verse for Today: Friday, October 07, 2011
2 Chronicles 20:15 – This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s”.
2 Chronicles 20:15 – This is what the Lord says to you: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s”.
God’s children are always confronted by the enemy of their souls whose objective is to defeat, destroy and devour them. He fights us directly and also uses his agents to fight us. His fights are more in the emotional and psychological realms with subtle tactics like fear and anxiety by manipulating our situations and circumstances. He tries to drain us of our confidence and courage. He casts doubts and confusions to shatter our minds. He blurs our vision through situations and superstitious thinking. He depresses our minds to think that everything is against us. He makes us paranoid with suspicion and restlessness. All the while, the Spirit of God wants to speak to us with words of comfort and encouragement. God wants to dispel all our fears and discouragements by reassuring us that His invisible army which is around us in power and strength to defeat all the tactics of the enemy. He also wants to remind us that we do not fight against the enemy, but that the Lord is fighting the enemy by using us as instruments in His hands. We are also reminded that this battle belongs to the Lord and not us. He confirms to us that He is already a victor over the enemy. Our Lord wants us to keep building up our confidence in His power to help us enjoy victory in all our battles with the enemy. He wants us to praise Him for the privilege to be engaged in the battle of the Lord against His enemy. Our Lord also wants us to renounce all fear, doubt, confusion, anxiety, fear and perplexity and claim victory in His name to live without apprehension all the days of our lives.
Dar friend, are you gripped with fear and anxiety about the outcome of the war you are engaged in your circumstances and situations? Have you lost confidence and courage to face the uncertain future? Remember, even when you are uncertain about your present and future situations, it is not uncertain to the Lord, because He has gone before you and handled your future concerns for you. All you have to do is to reach that point in the future with courage, confidence, composure, faith and trust in the Lord to meet Him at that moment in the future. He will greet you with His special love and compassion and welcome you to all your tomorrows which you feared. Your Lord will be with you in all your present and future situations to give you victory. Perhaps the situation will be too tough and overwhelming for you. Perhaps you do not have the skills required to handle it. But your Lord will equip you to handle all things for His glory. He will bend and break the arrows of the enemy for you. He will stop the enemy at the right time from hurting you. He will stand between you and the enemy so that the enemy’s attacks fall on Him and not on you. He will encompass around you so that all your interests will be protected through His supernatural power. This was how the Lord enabled Nehemiah to complete the refurbishment of the walls of Jerusalem. He lifted up David from the caves and put him on the throne in Jerusalem. He promoted Joseph from the dungeon to become the Prime Minster of Egypt. He appointed Daniel as the governor of Babylon. The same Lord with the same power is with you to use you in the war with the enemy in all your situations and guarantees your victory for His name’ sake. As He leads you into victory, you will experience His peace, joy and contentment and your heart will overflow with confidence and courage. He will take away your fear and fill you with His peace which passes all understanding irrespective of circumstances.
1 Samuel 17:47 – All those who gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s.
Thought for Today
The Lord fights our battle His way by using His power to accomplish His purpose in us.
The Lord fights our battle His way by using His power to accomplish His purpose in us.
CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com