Decision for Gain or Loss?

Verse for Today: Sunday, July 17, 2011
Matthew 6:21 – For where your treasurer is, there your heart will be also.

People of this world are engaged in a treasure hunt which they will not be able to keep for long. It looses its value over time and is susceptible to be stolen or eaten by moths of various kinds. So people try to use all their human wisdom to find the safest way to keep their treasures. Their thoughts are almost always centered on their treasures which make their treasures idols in their hearts. They often develop anxiety about the possible loss of their treasures physically or through value erosion. They worry about the consequences of their wrong decisions they have taken in the past about their treasures because it has not gained the value it could have gained. So a person’s life is the story of the anxieties and worries about their treasures which they will ultimately loose. But Jesus is asking us to change our priorities and put all our treasures in Heaven where it cannot loose its value. Once it is in Heaven there is no reason to be anxious about it and that is the way to keep our minds in peace. But the people of the world become anxious about the insecurity of what will definitely be lost because these are invested in this unstable world. If we keep our treasures in Heaven, we can live a carefree life here on earth, without anxiety or worry. We can also work hard and increase our treasures by investing more in Heaven and by living a life that is worthy of the Lord Jesus who had no place to lay His head when foxes had their holes and birds had their nests. Such life of austerity and sacrifice will help us to increase our investment in Heaven. This requires strategic choices in the spiritual realm. If we do not make such choices well in advance, we would loose what we invest in this world and at the same time we would not have any thing to count on in Heaven also. This is double loss which we should avoid as prudent investors.

Dear reader, are you heading for double loss or gain with your life? Are you using all the resources God has put under your stewardship for temporary gain in this world? Then it will definitely be lost eventually. God doesn’t want you to be a looser at all. So He wants you to invest in Heaven and find it expanded several fold when you reach there. When you are investing in Heaven, your thoughts will always be in Heaven where your treasure is kept. This is the sure way to keep away from earthly anxiety or worry. You don’t need to waste your spare time and energy with your computer to calculate what you will definitely loose. The anxiety that you develop about your earthly investments will cause you to have several psychosomatic illnesses which will eat away part of what you gain in this world in spending on medicines. But if your heart and mind are secure with the Lord and you think on those things which are on higher grounds, you will not have time and energy to experience anxiety or worry. You will rejoice and praise the Lord for the daily bread that He gives you to live with the joy of the Lord which will be your strength. The world might call you a fool if you do not have prudent earthly investments. The flesh will challenge you about a possible rainy day in the near future. Your family might call you a thoughtless and unconcerned person who is not practical and wise. None of these pulls of the enemies of your soul need to make you take decisions for earthly investments. You and I need to trust the Lord to meet our daily needs as we work hard to increase our investments in Heaven. Such lives will be contended here as well in the life hereafter. Others will be miserable at both places. Let us decide which pathway we should choose today and live victoriously as the Lord Jesus has taught us.

Matthew 6:33 – But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.

Thought for Today
Investment in Heaven is double gain whereas investment on earth is double loss.

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