Delays, denials and delivery!
Verse for Today: Monday, March 11, 2013
Matthew 7:6 – Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

We must ask those who have the capacity and willingness to give us to meet our needs. We must seek after the source that is a never ending stream of goodness. We must knock at the only right door which will open to give us with love and compassion. Our asking should be continuous and not casual. Our seeking should be till we find what we are looking for. A casual knock at the door is insufficient to prove our faith. Keep knocking till the Person inside will be convinced that our knock is out of real need and desperation. Our asking, seeking and knocking must come out of faith in the giver to give to us according to our needs. The only source which fits in with all these descriptions is God who is always willing to give us and opens His warehouse for us. We will certainly find Him when we seek after Him. When we ask amiss, it will not be given to us because the Giver knows that it is not good for us. Sometimes there is a gap between asking and receiving because it builds up our faith and prepares us to receive what has been prepared for us. Some doors will not be open because God in His infinite wisdom knows that it is not good for us. But He will open another door at the right time. These prospects demand that we grow in patience and become mature as we ask, seek and knock at the door of God. We are not to usurp into take for ourselves what we like or what is best in our eyes which might end up in destruction. Some gifts that God gives us are like bitter pills which are good for healing our infirmities. Some are for us at a later date because we are too early for it at present. Our persistent asking, seeking and knocking will express genuineness and seriousness in our requests and desires. Ultimately God gives us His best at His best time in His best measure out of His benevolence for our blessing, growth and development.

Dear friend, are you a persistent seeker after God’s perfect gifts for you? Do you ask consistently and with importunity and do not give up until you get a response from God? Have you ever grown weary in your knocking at God’s door and given up too soon? But if you know how benevolent our God is, you will have no hesitation to continue to ask Him to fill you to the brink and wait in great expectation for Him. Your asking, seeking and knocking are not for a few things or opportunities for you to enjoy, but for you to see your God revealed in greater glory in all the answers to your prayers. He reveals His glory as He answers you in the affirmative, negative or delay. When we are confronted with negative answers or instructions to wait, we see the God of grace who pours our His compassion for us to accept His answer gratefully. God’s denials demand as much praise from us as for his delays and quick delivery. This is because He knows what is best for us and helps us to ask for it. He forgives our immature and impulsive prayers by not granting it to us even when it looks genuine at the outset. That’s why Paul received a negative answer for a prayer for healing and Elijah was denied his demand for death, both of which ended up in praise for His name. Today we are admonished and challenged to keep on asking, seeking and knocking until we get God’s most compassionate, considerate and loving response for His glory and our contentment.

Romans 8:25 – But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Thought for Today
Prayer leads us to wait patiently for God’s answers while we praise Him for His delays and denials.

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