Delight that removes darkness!

Verse for Today: Thursday, July 07, 2011
Psalms 01:02 – But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

The objects for delight and true happiness that this world provides seem like soap bubbles. They are short-lived and imminently disappear. They come with false hope and are momentary. It fills human life with a series of false hope and a procession of frustrations and grief. But God offers man a permanent source of delight and blessedness which is in the Word of the Lord. It is written to portray the source of true happiness which is the Person of Jesus who came to this world as Word incarnate. He took all the grief and pain of man and nailed it to the Cross with Him. His life has offered man a new life of true blessedness as a free gift. It is available for the asking to those who receive it willingly. He is the living Word and in Him we can find true source of contentment and delight. His Word is never-changing and is eternally permanent. It comforts, strengthens, encourages, corrects, rebukes and instructs us in the true pathway that He wants us to tread in which He walks with us. There is a thrill in walking with Him to the edges of His ways. He wants us to seek His mind in His Word which turns our weeping into joy unspeakable and our tears into praise. As night falls, when all the earthly sources of happiness shut their doors, the Lord and His Word can still be enjoyed because of its timelessness. His Word is powerful because all the power of God Almighty is embodied in it through His Spirit. Each word in the Word is powered with the power of God. There are specific reasons why each word is used in its grammar, tense and usage so that it can cause us to rejoice in a crooked world which denies us the privilege to be happy.

Dear friend, please know that when the world shuts its lights on you during your lonely nights, the Lord comes to you with His Word to give you a song in the night. He always has special messages for you to capture to meet the requirements of all your moments no matter how difficult they are. His Word is loaded with promises with the signature of the Almighty which attributes greatest surety and assurance for its fulfillment. The Word explains your every situation and answers all the puzzling questions you have about your circumstances, situations and relationships. It gives you directions and counseling to keep going when you reach confusing intersections in life. The Word has the power to transform your life so much so that you will interpret your situations from the eternal perspective rather than the temporal. It thus helps you to understand your situations from God’s angle rather than from the earthly angle. Today God’s word challenges you to delight in the Word day and night so that it will give you strength to keep going in spite of your difficult circumstances. Situational happiness will disappear when situations change, but the happiness that God provides will linger in spite of situations. The Word gives you process happiness because it explains why you are going through your present experiences which are ordained of the Lord to help you to grow spiritually. Today let us endeavour to enjoy the Lord and His Word which are the windows through which we see the realities of life. When the world turns its lights off on us, the Lord will send His eternal light to us through which we can see Him who is the Light of Life and Light of the world to help us keep delighting in Him.

Psalms 94:19 – When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.

Thought for Today
The delight caused by the divine Word in our hearts drives the dark clouds away from our horizon.

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