Deliverance and help from God!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Psalms 72:12 – For He will deliver the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also and him who has no helper.

God is often named after His deeds in the lives of His children. When He delivers the needy people, He is the deliverer. When He responds to the cries of the helpless, He is the helper. When He lifts up those who are afflicted, oppressed and persecuted, He is called the Savior of the people. His love is illustrated as greater than that of the mother. He keeps His children under His shadow. He appears to His children at the right time they need Him. He is their tower of strength when they are weak. He carries the weak ones on His shoulders. He feeds the hungry with heavenly bread and drink so that they will not be hungry and thirsty again. He gives greatest satisfaction for His children so that they would not need to go to the broken cisterns of this world. He knows us so well as to know all our needs before we speak to Him about it. But He treats us as His beloved children and wants us to go to Him and tell Him all about it. He sees us when our hearts are broken and depressed and comes to wipe our tears. He comforts our hearts when our feelings are hurt because of what others do to us. He gives us confidence when our emotions sag. He brightens our cloudy horizons and makes us see the dawning of a new ray of hope to guide us to keep going. Down through the centuries, millions found the coolness of His shadows and enjoyed His green pastures. Our God is a personal God who deals with each of us according to our needs apart from all the goodness that He pours out on all the living beings. He is with those who are afflicted and relieves them of their sufferings. He comes to help the helpless and the poor in spirit. He hears our cries and comes down to help us in our agonies. He is the best Friend, Deliverer, Father, Comforter, Savior, Helper and Healer we can find for all our needs all the time. We are truly fortunate to be His children and it leaves us with the responsibility to enjoy our relationship with Him.

Dear friend, are you in need in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms of your life? Are you going through any physical or emotional affliction at the moment? Do you feel helpless to handle your life situations now? Is your surrounding cloudy and dark and preventing you from seeing into the future? Are you facing uncertainty about your future? No matter what your situation is, there is no need to fret about it because the best and the greatest help are available to you right now. That help comes from God who is your creator and redeemer. He knows all the conflicts you experience in your soul. He has seen the pain and misery that you are going through. He knows and sees how helpless you are in handling your situation and has come near you to intervene in your life. But He expects you to call unto Him for help. He will certainly hear you when you cry unto Him. He will do what is necessary to remove the darkness from your scenario. He will give you peace and assurance about your future as He handles it all for you. He will bring it to pass according to His plan for you if you are willing to surrender your life totally to Him. He wants you to trust Him to deliver you from your predicaments and put all your faith in Him and His might to strengthen you. We are not taking a chance when we trust the Lord because His help is certain and sure. When He has us fully in His hands through full surrender, He will demonstrate His power in us and fulfill His promises to us to help and sustain us in all our life experiences. Today He wants us to take Him at His Word that He will certainly hear us.

Psalms 32:7 – You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance.

Thought for Today

The awareness of the availability of divine help, deliverance and support in our lives makes us broken before God and to confess our unworthiness to Him.

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