Dismantling hindrances!

Verse for Today: Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hebrews 11:30 – By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.

Consistency in faith is the evidence that faith is strong and relentless. True faith doesn’t fall back with time. True faith gives us hope for the future as God’s promises are fulfilled in our lives. True faith is full trust in the power of God to perform the seemingly impossible things in our lives. True faith doesn’t withdraw after attempting to do something for the Lord because the task seems insurmountable. True faith can penetrate the toughest hindrance that comes our way. Human wisdom would have identified several smart ideas to defeat a strong city like Jericho with thickest possible walls. It would have meant toil, sweat, persistence in battle, bloodshed and loss of lives on the part of Israel. But true faith accomplished victory without the loss of a single drop of blood on their part. For the impatient and impulsive mind, seven days are too long to simply walk around a strong city wall without any battle. For those without faith, the seven days of walk would have been a sheer waste of time and energy. It would have meant granting the enemy seven days to prepare for battle against Israel. But little do they realize that the seven days of persistent victory march would have demoralized the enemy and increased their fear. The persistent faith of the people of God is a result of ardent trust in the words of the Lord in whose power and strength they started the circuit ride. Today we are challenged to possess such persistent faith in the power of the Lord to hunt down the greatest hindrance in our walk with Him. When God performs great victories for His children, He often makes us partners in the spoil. So when God accomplished victory against Jericho, He gave the people persistent faith to walk around and capture the city and thus become participants with God in this great miracle. Jesus made a little boy a partner with Him in feeding the five thousand. He wants us to take the step of faith and go forward as partners with Him in handling the hindrances. Doubt has no room in the realm of faith because God has already accomplished victory for us and it is only a matter of time for us to go forward and appropriate it.

Dear reader, are you wonder struck about the mammoth walls of hindrances that are in front of you? Is there any doubt creeping in your mind about how to circumvent these walls, mountains, seas, rivers and deserts? Caleb climbed Mount Hebron by faith in his old age. Noah escaped the perils of flood by faith through the building of an ark which took several years to complete. Abraham became the father of the multitude by waiting in faith for a quarter of a century. Joseph put his trust in God and kept himself in faith for thirteen years for his dreams to be fulfilled. It was the same challenge the people of Israel had when they had to capture Jericho. God had already fixed a time frame for them to capture the city of thick and strong walls. All they had to do was to put their wholehearted trust in God until His moment of truth was reached. Seven days and thirteen marches around the city would need a lot of persistence. But the enabling comes from the Lord to circle around the city on those seven days, trusting in His power by faith. He gives patience to keep marching without seeing any visible mark of progress except that the finishing line was fast approaching. He gave hope and filled their sanctified imagination with a preview of the fall of the city by faith. Today the Lord gives us hope to put all our faith in Him to accomplish great things in our lives. If we trust Him, we will receive the faith and hope to obey His commands to capture what He has promised and penetrate the thick walls of hindrance that we see in front of us. Let us commit ourselves to put our faith to action to govern all our activities, plans, priorities and desires for God to accomplish even the seemingly impossible things in life for His glory.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Thought for Today

Faith leaves all hindrances to God to handle and wait for His finish line.

CONTACT US: todayintheword@gmail.com

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