Divine Compassion!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Psalms 103:17 – But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children.
God’s dealing with human beings is based on His character. He is full of compassion and mercy to all, not because we humans deserve it on our merit, but because of His grace to us. But He shows special mercy and compassion to all His children who accept Him as their Father when they are born again into His family. He expects His children to be in fellowship with Him through our devotion, obedience and love. He desires that we recognize Him as the awesome God who is a consuming fire and wants us to live in reverence and fear of Him. When we live on the basis of His Word and in subjection to His Spirit, our hearts and lives will be filled with the awe of our Great God who lives in unapproachable light. When we live under the shadow of such a great and mighty God, He is moved by our devotion to respond to our prayers and petitions. Thus when we live to please Him and make Him our priority in life, our lives becomes His which He will use for His glory. As He uses our lives to bring glory to His name, we would begin to enjoy His lovingkindness. But we receive His mercy which has been shown to us long before we were born. The Father knew us before the foundation of the world was laid and prepared the way of salvation for us through Jesus Christ. He took pity on us because of our low estate. His compassion will be upon us till we complete our sojourn in this world. But even in eternity, His dealings with us will be on the basis of His eternal compassion and love to us. It is this compassion which gives us all that we need each day to live to glorify Him. In His compassion, He provides for us, protects us and sustains us. In His compassion, He gives us what pleases Him and what is most beneficial to us because the many things that we ask for may not be good for our spiritual well-being.
Dear reader, are you aware of the fact that God is immensely merciful to you? It is His mercy that has caused you to become His child. He had prepared the way of salvation for you in eternity past and handled your situation is such a way that at the right time, you would hear the gospel and believe. He has also shown mercy to you by helping you to live as His child and giving you all that you needed for life and devotion. He is pleased to meet all your physical, emotional and spiritual needs because He is merciful to you. As God does all that He has promised for you on a daily basis, He expects you to respond to Him by living in the fear and awe of Him. His blessings of all kind will be available to those who live in reverence to Him. If you fear Him, you will express it through obedience, love and devotion in true worship. God has promised that if we live in His fear, He will show compassion to us and our generations to come. Abraham had such blessings in his life as his grandchildren through the centuries have enjoyed the favor of the Lord. God performs righteousness to our generations if we live in His fear. When we go through dire needs, His heart melts for us and His resources start flowing towards us to meet those needs. Today let us look around and see the extent of compassion God shows us by providing us with all His best to live a life of witness to His faithfulness. Let us respond to His compassion through our devotion.
Lamentations 3:22 – Because of the Lord’s great mercy we are not consumed, for His compassion never fails.
Thought for Today
When God shows compassion,His children respond with a heart full of devotion and love.
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