Divine engraving!

Verse for Today: Friday, November 25, 2011

Isaiah 49:16 – See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are ever before Me.

In a world of constant changes, God has kept His children above all instabilities and placed them on firm grounds. God’s children are in His hands from where no force on earth or under the earth can remove or destabilize them. They are engraved as eternal part of His hands. There is no safer place than being in the hands of God. But God’s children are not only in His hands, but are made a part of His hands through divine engraving so that there will be no more separation. This position not only gives us permanent and eternal security, but also eternal fellowship and companionship. There is no room for anxiety about our stability, safety and future when we are permanently engraved in His hands. These are the hands which hold the whole world. All of His creation is in His hands. He holds the oceans in His hands. A child of God ought to recognize and appreciate this great position of being engraved in His hands and enjoy the confidence His hands provide for us. He knows all our limitations as our walls are known to Him. He knows the strength of our walls and its height. He knows how far our walls are able to resist the attacks of the enemy. But there is no need to develop anxiety about the limits of our strength to resist because our Lord watches over our limitations and strengthens us to withstand any pressure which might come our way. We do not need to know how He will handle our situations, but we only need to accept and appreciate His ability and power to keep us from affected by pressures. All God’s children who have gone through pressures of life have realized that no earthly pressure is above the power of God embodied in us. No pressure will overcome us because we are engraved in His hands and that He knows the strength of our walls.

Dear reader, are you being challenged today by various pressures of life? Do you wonder how you would handle these difficulties? Do you feel that you are being constantly shaken by the enemy through difficult situations and the progressive problems you are faced with? As pressures mount, do you feel the power of pressure on your mind and body? Remember, the power of God in you is capable of handling all the pressures and tensions that you might be encountered with. You cannot be destabilized by these challenges in life because you are engraved permanently in the palm of God’s hands. The power of God can diffuse all pressures which blow against you. Our greatest comfort when faced with devastating winds, waves, storms, darkness, clouds, earth quakes, flood, fire, slander, mockery, isolation, gossip and rejection is our engraved position in the palms of the Lord. When everything is against us, He is there for us and will hold us in His hands close to His heart. David experienced this comfort when he was hunted after. Moses had this experience when he had the pressure of handling more than 2 million people, their cattle and belongings through a wilderness journey for forty years. Daniel had such pressures when the Babylonian empire threatened him. Paul had such pressures when the Jewish religion and the Roman Empire put pressure on him. Peter had a taste of it when he was confronted by Herod. John tasted this pressure when he was uprooted from his church to be an exile in Patmos. But the Lord was with His children in all these situations and gave them the uninterrupted warmth of His fellowship, love and compassion. They enjoyed the confidence and courage received from the Lord because of their engraved position in His hands. When the Lord knew the limitations of their walls and protected them, they enjoyed confidence to keep going. This privilege is ours today as we face the challenges of our lives and keep going by trusting in our Lord.

Psalms 91:12 – (God’s angels) will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

Thought for Today

There is no greater security than enjoying the experience of being seated in the palm of God’s hands.

Contact us: todayintheword@gmail.com

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