Divine uplifting!
Verse for Today: Monday, December 30, 2013
Genesis 40:23 – The chief cup bearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.
History is full of incidents of man’s ingratitude. Those who benefit from us tend to forget us when their situations change. Such ingratitude often pushes us into frustration and self pity. We seem to have great expectations about others which often end in disillusionment. In such situations, God comes to remind us that even if the whole world forgets us, He will not. Not only that, He will elevate us to places designed by Him at His time. The response Joseph got from the chief cup bearer of the Pharaoh was painful and highly discouraging. But this experience is not unusual for the children of God who face such responses quite often. They forget the great help and support they receive from God’s people and react as if they had never known those who helped them. But we should not be surprised at this because this is man at his best. Man forgets the sources of benefits. The Lord Jesus faced such situations when the very same people who enjoyed abundance of blessings from Him shouted against Him. They would rather have a murderer like Barabbas instead of the benevolent Jesus! Israelites mostly forgot all that Jehovah God did for them. They forgot the Red Sea, Marah, Manna and Jordan and behaved as if they never knew this great God. So we need not get discouraged with behavior like that of the cup bearer of Pharaoh towards Joseph. But the Lord will never forget the good work we have done for Him and for others because of Him. He will definitely remember us and give us our reward at the right time. He will rule and overrule our situations and lift us up at His time and in His own wonderful way.
Dear friend, are you deeply hurt today because some dear ones forgot the good things you have done for them? Have their rejection and resentment wounded your feelings and broken your heart? Please know that what you have done for them was as unto the Lord and not for you to get recognition or reward. You might be getting resentment instead. But remember, your God made you to touch lives with His grace for His glory. Apostle Paul was forgotten by the people for whom he labored day and night. When he was tried in Rome, none of the believers of Rome stood with him. With all his love for David, Jonathan still stayed in the palace instead of lingering with David in the wilderness. When David was in the wilderness as Absalom forced him out of Jerusalem, several people who got immense benefit from him forgot him altogether. The example of Jesus Christ in being rejected by the beneficiaries of His ministries ought to comfort and strengthen you as you feel sad about the way you are abandoned by people around you. But God remembers you and He is at work behind the scene to lift you up for His glory at His time. One of these days, the forgotten Joseph will be the Master of both the cup bearer and Potiphar. Your Lord will be with you and will not forget you even if the whole world rejects and resents you. The experience of Joseph teaches us today that we should not be perplexed at the rejection of our dear ones. You are challenged to remain humble and fully surrendered to the Lord so that He can lift you up. God’s great plan for you will soon unfold. In the meanwhile He is preparing you for the way He will make use of you. He is preparing your pathway for His glory.
2 Timothy 4:17 – But the Lord stood by my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.
Thought for Today
God is faithful to transform our rejection and resentment into acclaim and honor.
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord Jesus: Strengthen me today to weather away my disillusionment at the resentment and rejection I experience. Amen!
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