Eagerness and expectancy!
Verse for Today: Sunday, November 06, 2011
Philippians 3:20 – For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God’s children have a permanent place of dwelling which is heaven, the abode of God Almighty. They are merely passersby in this world for a short period of time. We are permitted by our Eternal King to stay here for a time to look after His affairs as ambassadors. We are expected to deal in any earthly matter with a short term perspective and with short term goals. We have a permanent home in heaven where we will dwell with our Lord forever. We stay here on earth only as long as our Lord King allows us to stay. He has not permitted us to deal in any matters here as if we will be here forever. Our appointment here is to speak for our King and His Kingdome. All our business here ought to be to sustain us, under the grace of God and with His rule. Our mission is to speak about our King and His grace. Our heart ought to throb for Him and His kingdom only. Our focus ought to be His imminent appearing in the clouds because we know that He is eager to come to take us to be with Him in His home forever. The Father alone knows the time of His appearing and so let us wait expectantly for the return of the Lord. In the meanwhile let us occupy ourselves with His business. When He appears, we shall be like Him and we shall see Him face to face. At that time all our tears will be wiped away. All our burdens will be lifted forever. All our problems will be solved in an instance. He is eagerly waiting for His return to meet us face to face. So let us renew our minds and desire to see Him. Let us express our eagerness to meet Him through what we do for Him here on earth.
Dear friend, are you weary and tired of this world and its ways? Do you feel lonely here on earth as your beloved ones have departed to other places on earth or gone to be with the Lord? Is your heart grieved profoundly because of the sense of loss of a departed loved one? Is your burden so heavy that you can no longer carry it by yourself? Remember, your Lord’s appearing to take you to His home is imminent. He is coming in the clouds to take you home with Him. When He appears, He will transform you to His likeness. All your difficulties are going to be over. All your burdens are going to be lifted forever. All your tears will be wiped away forever, for there will be no more tears in His kingdom. The Lord will receive you unto Himself and you will be with Him forever without any separation. In His eternal kingdom we will have special privileges because that is where our citizenship is. It is our Father’s home and we will be there as His children and as co-heirs with Jesus Christ. You will see the King in all His glories and will be lost forever in the wonder and awe of Him and will continue to worship Him along with all the saints who have departed before. When we reach heaven, we will be with all our loved ones who have gone before us and with all great men and women of God forever without separation. We will meet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Nehemiah, Gideon, Ruth, Boaz, all the prophets, priests, all the apostles, all the unknown saints from all over the globe and all our departed dear ones who knew the Lord as their Savior. Together we will praise our Lord and see His beauty and glory which we will share. Let us today prepare ourselves to meet our Lord and be with Him as His bride. Today let us comfort ourselves because our Lord is at the door and will soon appear to take us home with Him.
Revelation 22:20 – He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Thought for Today
Our priorities and engagements in life is a barometer of our eagerness and preparation to meet the Lord.
Our priorities and engagements in life is a barometer of our eagerness and preparation to meet the Lord.
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