Emotional healing!
Verse for Today: Monday, January 14, 2013
Psalms 30:2 – O Lord my God, I called to You for help and You healed me.
Emotional sickness is far more difficult to handle than physical ailments. It appears in the form of extreme fear, anxiety, hopelessness, depression and despondency. It takes away our confidence and courage to face difficult situations. It will slowly affect our hormones and make us physically sick also. But any treatment for the body will not heal emotional sickness. It needs emotional healing which can ultimately come from God. When we cry unto God to help us in our helpless estate, He comes to heal us of our emotional aberrations. His Spirit who dwells in us imparts His peace that passes all understanding in all our situations. Even when our difficult situations do not change, we can enjoy God’s peace when we put all our confidence in Him. When there is utter hopelessness in our situations, God can give us hope in our hearts. We are admonished to cast all our burdens on the Lord and relax and rest in Him no matter what happens to us or who is against us. David went through difficult situations and there were times when he didn’t know how to face the next moment in his life. There were dangers all around him which could have meant his total annihilation. Still he cried unto the Lord who healed him of his fear, anxiety and confusions. His hopelessness was turned to bright hope against all odds. Jacob experienced it at Bethel. Joseph experienced it in the broken cistern and the prison. Daniel and friends enjoyed it in the lion’s den and in the furnace. Jeremiah experienced it in the broken well. John experienced it in the Island of Patmos. Peter and Paul had such peace in their prison cells. Today we can have this peace and emotional healing no matter how cumbersome or hopeless our situation is.
Dear friend, are you going through a time of emotional aberrations because of your difficult situations? Have you lost peace, confidence and courage in life to face your situations? Are you withdrawn and isolated because of fear and anxiety which slowly eat you away and make you physically weak? Do you encounter sleeplessness, poor appetite and digestive disorders? Do you feel that you have lost all your enthusiasm and energy to do anything? It is important that these symptoms are recognized and handled by faith in the Lord who is able to give you peace and rest in your soul. If you confess your fear and anxiety which grieve the Spirit of God and when you are filled by the Spirit, you will see that the peace of God which passes all understanding will fill your heart and life in spite of your difficult situations. By worrying and fearing, you will not accomplish anything or solve your problems, but will only make you sick. But if you confess these negative emotions and ask for healing, God will hear your cries and heal you of all your emotional hurts and wounds. You will then be enabled by the Spirit of God to believe on the promises of God. If you submit your problems to the Lord as David, Job, Joseph, Jacob, Nehemiah, Gideon and Daniel did, He will find a way out for you. At the same time, He will strengthen your heart through His Spirit and give you the courage and confidence to handle your situation by faith. Today your Lord’s ears are open to your cries of helplessness and His hands are at work to handle your situations. As He works to solve your problems, His Spirit will strengthen you to hope against hope. What He has done for David will be done for you also today if you trust Him and put your total faith in Him.
Psalms 103:3 – (The Lord) forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
Thought for Today
God responds to our cries of helplessness to heal our emotional infirmities and fill our hearts with confidence and courage to face our situations.
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