Encircle, shout and capture!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Joshua 6:20 – When the trumpet sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so every man charged straight in, and they took the city.

The defense experts of modern days will marvel at the way God helps His children to capture territories. When the joy of the Lord is their strength, and as they shout in the name of their Lord, He uses their sounds and shouts of faith to crumble even the strongest walls. When God’s people believe on His Word without doubt or questioning, God makes things happen in their lives even without using their hands. They need to exercise their hearts which emanate faith in the power of their God. Their soldiers were ready with swords, but those swords were to destroy the flesh of the land. They saw to it that they walked behind the Ark with full obedience. The Ark was their hope and trust because the glory of the Lord dwelt in the Ark. It was not a march to fight, but to claim victory. They started from victory and attained greater victory. They walked by faith and believed that God had delivered the land into their hands even before they started. They obeyed the commands of God in walking thirteen times in a week without questioning the logic for simply walking around their object. But as they walked, their God walked with them and before them. He proved to them once again that His victory is not with sword, chariots and horses, but with His mighty hands of power and strength which He demonstrates for His children in their varying situations. Today this God of ours is walking with us and in front of us as we face seemingly insurmountable walls, fortresses, seas, storms and waves. His command for us today is to walk with Him and be a miracle. He wants us to trust Him wholeheartedly and walk boldly. When we thus walk by faith, the world around us might make fun of us for our illogical methods and blind trust in God for all our situations. Our walk of faith is for us to get victory and it is at the same time a great message for the onlookers to see and believe what our God can do for us as well. We are invited today to walk with Him to enjoy His blessings and victory.

Dear reader, are you bewildered by seeing great stone walls in front of you? Do you ever wonder how you would move forward because of the formidable opposition that you face? But you need to realize that your God knows all about the obstruction and has a plan to circumvent it. He goes before you and walks in front of you. His glory is your escort and it is His glory that leads you from the front. Just as you followed God’s glory in your desert experiences in the past, you need to walk behind and in the shadow of His glory now and claim victory in His name. As you claim it for the Lord, you need to appropriate it by faith. When you believe that God has given you victory in your difficult situation, start with praise and shouts of joy. With such shouts of victory, go forward to capture and possess the new territory for God. This victory that God gives you over the opposition is opportunity that is spread before you. It need not be simply a psychological feeling, but a physical reality in your everyday life. As you capture the new opportunity, all flesh and fleshly temptations must be destroyed and all valuable material must be kept for God. If you keep the flesh and the valuables for yourself, God would be displeased. He wants to give you things which are far above what any one has seen, heard or thought about. Today if you are facing insurmountable situations in life and if you find it invincible, don’t simply walk around in desperation.  Your God wants you to capture it by faith as you walk with Him and shout victory in His name.

Psalms 89:15 – Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O Lord, they walk in the light of your countenance.

Thought for Today

God’s people who walk along with His glory and the sound of His trumpet will produce His joyful sound of victory.

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