Endless harvest!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Ruth 3:16 – So Naomi returned from Moab accompanied by Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.

There is always a way back to God for all who are away from His blessings. The famine of Bethlehem was used by God to speak to His people about their rebellion and complacency. But God restored Bethlehem and blessed it to once again become the House of Bread. Those who leave God for temporary solace in enemy territory will only be disappointed and frustrated and sink into grief and emptiness. They will have to come back to God empty-handed because the enemy has nothing to offer that would give lasting satisfaction. The enemy offers a smokescreen full of illusions which fade away at the blowing of the wind. When we come to the realization of our emptiness in enemy territory, the only hope for us is to go back to the House of Bread where a harvest has begun. The landlords, servants and even the gleaners are celebrating the goodness of the Lord. The harvest has only started and there are plenty of blessings all the time for all who want to be part of it. There is no need for the Naomis to continue to live like destitute and the Ruths to be like widows. A great Boaz is in Bethlehem who is the owner of untold riches and His field is full of grain. Even those who follow the harvesters would find enough to glean and eat. Naomi has all of these opportunities. Because Ruth is with Naomi, she can also find blessings in Bethlehem. It is all possible because it was to Bethlehem that the Heavenly Bread came two millenniums back to feed the hungry and to give to all who desire spiritual blessings.

Dear reader, are you living like a spiritual destitute and craving for heavenly blessings? You don’t have to live like Mara because of the bitter experiences life has given you. As a child of God, you are in His house and His holy presence. He is your everything and your all. He is able to meet all your needs surpassing all your expectations. A great spiritual harvest is going on and there are plenty of blessings at the spiritual harvest house. You don’t need to be just a gleaning person, but can go to the Great Boaz to receive all that He has prepared for you. He has made you an heir and it is your blessed privilege to appropriate all that is kept for you in His presence. He has spiritual food and drink to satisfy all your cravings. In His presence, there is healing for all your emotional aberrations. He gives you heavenly fellowship which will take away all your loneliness. The harvest has just begun and it will continue through all eternity. When you go to God’s presence, He will usher you to His table which is full of blessings to meet all your physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Today you have the privilege to dwell with Him and thus forget the tears, grief, resentment and rejection of the past. He will give you spiritual children to keep you company. Remember, what you have seen is only a beginning. As you grow in deeper love with your Lord day after day, you will enjoy greater blessings in His presence. So dear reader, there is no need to any longer wallow over the intimidating circumstances of the past, but look at the spiritual blessings which are spread before you in the days to come.

Psalms 16:11 – You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.

Thought for Today
The Breadbasket at the House of Bread is filled with all the goodness of God to meet all our cravings.

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