Enjoying Tomorrow’s Victory Today!

Verse for Today: Saturday, July 16, 2011
Psalms 13:5 –
But I have trusted in Your loving kindness; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

When God’s children are faced with opposition and trouble in their lives, they have two options. One is to allow the troubles to control their thoughts to fill them with fear and anxiety and resultant loss of joy in their hearts. Such a life of various phobias drains them of their courage and confidence and makes them blown around by the wind of circumstances. It takes away the stability they should have otherwise enjoyed in their lives. But the child of God has a splendid option to follow which is to put all trust in the Lord to look after their present and future circumstances. Even when the road seems to be long and the sufferings endless, the child of God has the confidence that the Lord is there with him in all his circumstances. This is because his Lord is the same yesterday and today and forever. But when we allow circumstance to prevail over our faith, it will control our thoughts and eventually the decisions we make. When the possible fierce consequences try to penetrate our thoughts, the child of God can find victory over negative thoughts and melancholic feelings. No matter how long we wait for deliverance, we do not wait alone but the Lord helps us to wait for His time. He is in all our circumstances with us, He knows it all beforehand and has gone before we we reach there. He awaits us with His grace to meet the intimidating challenges of circumstances and will pour His grace into our hearts. Thus our hearts will generate trust and patience through His Spirit who fills our hearts. When the Lord thus fills us with Himself and His Spirit, it is as if the future has already arrived in our hearts. That is when we can sing to Lord with rejoicing because of the victory and deliverance He has already granted us. In essence we go to our future circumstances by faith and appropriate joy and victory by faith and enjoy it today.

Dear friend, has it been long since we you have waited for the Lord to give you victory over your difficult situations? Your long wait would have perhaps challenged your patience at times and caused you to develop doubts in your hearts. But the Lord has already given you victory over your situations. He is first and foremost concerned about your victory over the present emotions of apprehension, anxiety and phobia. He gives it to us moment by moment through His Spirit and Word so that our concern for our circumstances would wane away from our hearts. It will be replaced with praise in our hearts for the victory that He has already given us. Perhaps that victory is on its way in terms of time frame, but for the God who is above timeliness, the victory for you has already been accomplished. This is why we can praise God for tomorrow’s victory and deliverance today itself. Such was the life of Abraham who saw the blessings God had promised him by faith from a distance. He was able to boldly sacrifice Isaac believing that He had already regained him by faith even from the ashes. Such faith helped Joseph to keep going in the wake of severe tests and persecutions. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem by the same faith and Gideon went to war seeing victory even before it was physically accomplished. Today we are challenged by the experience of David to take God by His Word that He has already accomplished deliverance for all our present and future situations and praise Him today for it all. Such faith is the greatest driving force for us to keep going in all our circumstances because our Lord has gone before us and has already accomplished victory for us. Let us enjoy all such future victories today by faith and live accordingly, thus defeating all the fear and anxiety which try to overtake us.

2 Timothy 4:18 – The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will being me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Thought for Today
Reassurance of future victory drives us through all circumstances with courage, confidence and strength.

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