Escorts for faith!
Verse for Today: Friday, February 22, 2013
Genesis 24:27 – Praise be to the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has not abandoned His kindness and faithfulness to my master. As for me, the Lord has led me on the journey to the house of my master’s relatives.

God has revealed His character to His children through all His dealings with them. In His kindness, God called out Abraham from an idolatrous background and gave him a land, multitudes of generations and qualified him to be the friend of God. All the promises given to Abraham are fulfilled without change which proves His faithfulness. God keeps reminding us today that if He doesn’t deal with us in kindness, we would not get any blessings from Him. He keeps forgiving our shortcomings and weaknesses out of His kindness. He will not abandon His promises as He is faithful in His covenant with us. His faithfulness to us is His character which will not be altered because of our lack of faithfulness to Him. When Abraham depended on God to show him the person who is to take the mantle of blessings forward, God showed the way. Every detail of the identification of Rebekah was worked out by God because He had marked her out as the link between Abraham and the promises of God. When Abraham trusted God and sent his servant, his faith was honored by showing the way clearly. God was kind to send His angel beforehand to show the way.  God’s faithfulness to Abraham and Isaac were revealed through the leading of Eliezer to the house of Rebekah. Rebekah had the faith to go and become the wife of an unknown man who was far away. The God of Abraham shows His kindness and faithfulness to His children today and leads and guides them on His pathways. When we are tempted to digress or take detours, His Spirit speaks to us and shows the right way. When there are clouds of doubts and confusions, the wind of the Spirit blows it away from our hearts. His Spirit equips us to depend on Him to keep going. As we keep walking by faith, His kindness and faithfulness walk with us as personal escorts. When we are accompanied by His kindness and faithfulness, there is no need for us to waver and fret, but walk boldly towards the next milestone in our lives.

Dear reader, do you get agitated as you set out from one milestone to the other wondering how you would reach there? Are you being battered by the winds of apprehension and anxiety about the next step in your walk? Remember, your Lord is walking with you and He is holding your hands firmly. His angels have gone before you to prepare your way. His Spirit is dwelling in you to give you direction. His precepts are written in your heart as guiding principles. His kindness and faithfulness are your escorts to make sure that all His promises become a reality in your life. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David and Paul experienced God’s kindness and faithfulness throughout their lives of witness. He dealt with them in kindness and provided all the grace they needed in all situations and circumstances. He delivered them from destruction and pulled them out of their detours. He showed them the way and sustained them on His path of kindness and goodness. As they were tested in the school of faith, He was benevolent and not a taskmaster. His faithfulness was shown to them by meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Eliezer saw God’s faithfulness to Abraham even in his own path as he was sent out to meet Rebekah who was already chosen, prepared and waiting for God’s time. Today God’s kindness and faithfulness walk with us as we tread on His pathways to newer milestones of faith.

Isaiah 42:16b – I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.

Thought for Today
God in His kindness overrules our failures and keeps His promises to meet our needs according to His faithfulness.


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