Dear reader, are you going through a time of deep anguish in life which makes you helpless like a baby in your peculiar situation? Do you feel emotionally weak and tired because of the heat of your scenario? Are you suffering in loneliness because there is no one to support and strengthen you? Are all your dear ones rejecting and resenting you and withdrawing sympathy and love in your experience of rough waters and fire? Today you are encouraged to go to the presence of your Lord who wants you to experience His deep and unfathomable love. He wants to reassure you that He is holding your hands to lead you forward like a sheep in the company of its loving shepherd. He wants to lead you to His green pastures where you will find graceful grazing and quiet rest. He wants you to know that even when you go through unexplainable difficulties, He is with you and will not allow you to through it all alone. In fact He is leading you through it all to teach you wonderful lessons about total dependence on Him and nothing else. He shows you a step at a time so that you would learn to walk each step by faith and trust Him for the next step forward. There is no retreating with the Lord as He always leads forward. He fills your heart with hope for a brighter tomorrow. In all His ways, He never leaves you alone, but goes with you. Your walk is a learning experience in faith. He meets all your needs as you walk with Him. When your heart is heavy, He will wipe your tears and cheers you up with rays of hope even through the darkest clouds. Today it is your blessed privilege to cry before your Lord who will listen to your sobbing and meet all your physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs according to His vast resources which are prepared and kept ready for you to draw from it each day according to your needs. He wants you to enjoy the freedom to express your anguishes before your Lord with tears and find ways to take another step forward by faith.
Psalms 34:15 – The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cries. Thought for Today Your Lord’s heart melts when His children express their deep emotions before Him with tears.For further spiritual help and prayer support, contact: