Failure transformed!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

John 21:5 – So Jesus said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.”

Failure is one of the greatest challenges to cope with in human life. It is very difficult to admit our failures and we often resort to excuses for lack of success. But the backsliding disciples of Jesus were willing to admit their failure. Their answer to Jesus was sincere and true. They were willing to admit their failure even to a ‘stranger’ because they didn’t recognize the enquirer to be Jesus. But their spirit of honesty and willingness to admit their failure led them to receive a commandment from Jesus to try out another approach to fishing. It is likely that they had done this many times during that night of utter failure. But their utter desperation made them to listen to others. Had they not accepted their failure, they would not have received such an advice. Many times we do not make progress in our walk because we are not willing to admit that we are slow or late. We try out self justification because our self would not like to admit failures and losses. Only when we admit that we have lost our way will we be able to find the right way. The failure of these disciples would have stirred up their consciences to open up their hearts to seek a way out. A right attitude to failure is the sure way to reach success in life. Only when Israel admitted their failure at Ai were they enabled to succeed at Ai at the second time. David admitted his utter failure in spiritual life that led him to regain the kingdom and continue to rule from Jerusalem. Abraham admitted his failures in going to Egypt and it helped him in his future life. Jonah admitted his failure to obey and accepted the punishment for it, and his confession led him to great success in the ministry in the future. If we go to the Lord with our failures and present the broken pieces of our lives, wrapped in the rags of life, and present it to the Lord, He will rebuild us for His glory.

Dear reader, is your life an overwhelming failure and are you getting intimidated by the feeling of failure and loss of dignity because of it? Are there failures in your family, business or employment? Today God is looking for prophets, evangelists, parents, wives or husbands, children, Sunday School Teachers, counselors, youth workers and preachers who have encountered failure so that He can make them whole again. He will accept the broken pieces of your past life or ministry and put it together in a special way to be of use to Him. He will restore your life to its new shape according to His design. If you have lost time and opportunity, He will grant you newer opportunities which are for greater glory to His name. He will revive your sagging spirits and give you new vigor and vitality to attempt newer avenues of ministries and activities for the furtherance of gospel. He will compensate for all the losses with a mighty wind of blessings. But you have to admit your failures and confess it to Him. You must confess your backsliding past and surrender the rest of your life at His alter so that your life will once again become a sweet savor of worship to the Lord. He will then use you in greater vistas of life for immeasurable blessings for the praise of His name.

Lamentations 5:21 – Restore us to Yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days as of old.

Thought for Today

When God restores us, He would wipe away our past failures and impute newer strength and vitality in our endeavors.

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