Faith drives doubts away!

Verse for Today: Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mark 9:23 – “If you can?”, said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes”.

Our human minds are prone to doubt. When we doubt, we loose our confidence and courage in facing situations. This is true as we go to God when faced with hindrances, mighty opponents and emergencies in life. Even when we pray, there is sometimes an element of doubt in our minds as to whether it will be possible for us to overcome the situation. This drains us of our confidence to face the situations that concern us. But the Lord wants us to be encouraged today in that our simple but true faith will certainly produce positive results. This is because we put our faith in the Lord who is able to do everything for us. Our doubt is often due to our feeble faith. It is also due to the external evidences that we quickly seek after. There was no doubt in the mind of Elijah even when he found no clouds at the first report. As he prayed, he kept sending his servant 7 times to keep checking because he knew that the clouds will come. He was not concerned if there was huge cloud, but even a tiny cloud as big as the palm of man’s hand was sufficient for him to believe that it would bring forth rain because he believed in the Lord who created cloud. No matter how many years it took to fulfill his dreams, Joseph had faith in the Lord who gave him dreams and so he waited patiently for 13 years without doubt. The greatness of Abraham was that he had such faith in the Lord as to wait for Isaac for a quarter of a century without doubt. Moses knew even before he left Pharaoh’s palace that the Lord would use him to release his brethren from the clutches of Egypt. The Phoenician woman had full faith without the shadow of doubt that the Lord was capable and willing to heal her son, and she got what she believed in. The centurion had the same faith without doubt. It is such a faith that the Lord demands from us if we trust Him as we claim. Faith demands that we burry our doubts. Faith expects us to take God’s promises seriously. Faith declares war on doubt. Faith originated from God and it is given to His people through His Spirit. Faith is based on the promises which are given in the written Word. Faith cultivates hope in us which will culminate in its fulfillment. Faithless life wanders from doubt to discouragement and reaches despair and finally ends us in despondency.

Dear friend, is your life based on faith or doubt? Are you sometimes haunted by doubts and confusions which lead you to anxiety, apprehension, tension, stress and finally to hopelessness? Doubt comes to you from your human instincts and it will lead you to mistrust others and lead you to paranoia. A doubtful person becomes unstable in all his ways and will find it very difficult to make decisions in life. Once decided he will often have rethinking and will go back to doubt again. Instead, God wants us to put our faith in Him and trust Him to take us forward in life and then take the first step by faith. This is one of the central themes that we find throughout the Bible. God declared that He will never forsake those who put their trust in Him and demonstrated the result of trust through innumerable events. Faith is planted in our hearts by the Spirit and the Word and will help us to grow in faith. But we have the responsibility to allow faith to grow through our willingness to believe in God’s power and strength to fulfill His promises. We have a long list of great men and women of God who have gone before us as examples of such great faith in the promises of God. We are admonished to follow their path and believe with our whole heart and mind that our God is faithful, and continue to live on the basis of such faith. Thus doubt will give way to confidence and courage to face our unknown future and praise God for even those events which are yet to take place in our lives.

Matthew 21:22 – If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Thought for Today
When doubt comes and knocks at the doors of our hearts, we should ask faith in the Lord to answer the door.

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