Faith subdues cursing!
Verse for Today: Friday, November 30, 2012
2 Samuel 16:12 – It may be that the Lord will see my distress and repay me with good for the cursing I am receiving today.

When the world tries to deprive us of our legitimate rights, it doesn’t realize that our blessings come from the Lord which they cannot stop in any way. When the world curses us, it has a false notion that their curse will be effective upon us. But the world is ignorant about the way our God works for us. He is the source of all our blessings and He bestows all good things upon us. He doesn’t curse us, but will only discipline us for our shortcomings and disobedience. He teaches us great lessons in life through experiences in life so that we will walk on His pathways. Often we are tempted to fret when the world pronounces curse and doom on us. But we must agree with David that our times are in the Lord’s hands. Nothing will happen to us without His permission. He allows us to go through rough patches in life to teach us valuable lessons so that we would have a closer walk with Him. Often we learn great lessons through deeply painful experiences. David had one of the most distressing experiences in life when his own son ousted him from the kingdom. At that time, most of his loyalists departed from him and plotted against him. David had to run for life once again as in the times of King Saul. When he faced curses from his former loyalists, his heart was broken with grief. But David was unwilling to give up hope. A humiliated, humble and broken David, sinking deep into profound frustration, was still holding on to his faith in the Lord and His mercy. He was unwilling to give up or give in. He clung to the Lord’s faithfulness to him and His promises about his future. His faith helped him to get out of the depths of mire that he was in and put him back on his throne in Jerusalem.

Hello friend, are you in the depth of frustration and humiliation in life because of the alienation and treachery that others heaped on you? Are your plotters and onlookers writing you off from your spheres and waiting for your extinct? Perhaps everyone around has become prophets of doom about you and think that you will never surface again. But no matter what others say or do against you and how they curse and predict your doom, your Lord will not let you go down the drain. He has already planned great things for you in His vineyard. He wants you to complete the many things that He started in you for His glory. His promise to establish your testimony is still valid and powerful. His mighty hand is still with you no matter how rough a situation you are going through. He holds you in the palm of His hands and protects you from all evil incidents and events. But He wants you to go through a time of brokenness to learn lessons about humility, nobility and obedience. If you have committed sins of omission and commission, it is time you repent and get yourself broken in the hands of the Lord. But that doesn’t mean that the Lord gives up on you. He will do everything needed to bring you back and keep you on the path of faith and obedience. So dear reader, don’t be alarmed about the words of the prophets of doom around you. Be strong in the Lord and wait for His time to bring you out of the present mire and establish your testimony. The curse the world pours upon you will not be effective because your times and life are in the hands of the Lord. You are challenged today to go forward by looking unto Jesus and do not relent form His path for Him to continue to use you for His glory.

Isaiah 41:13 – For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Thought for Today
The curse of the prophets of doom will not penetrate the hands of the Almighty that protect His children.

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