Faith Wrecks Doubt and Confusion!

Verse for Today: Monday, July 18, 2011
Ephesians 6:16 – …..Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

One of the greatest challenges of Christian life at all times is to live for God by faith. We are challenged to worship the unseen God by faith and to pray to the invisible God by faith. We enjoy the protection of God who cannot be seen physically. These exercises of faith are given in our souls by God. When the soil is slipping from under our feet, we still can stand the ground by faith. When all around us work against us, we can stand firm without fear, trusting our God who is with us. Sometimes, God lifts up the curtain of invisibility to show us the reality of His protection and care which He has established around us, as in the case of Prophet Elisha. He exhibits it to us on a daily basis through the provisions He sends to us by the ravens or widows. But we are called upon to live a life of faith where we believe even before we see evidence. Our life of faith is one where even when circumstances are against us, we hold on to the One who has promised to take us forward. As we keep going, the enemy of our souls tries to confuse us and cause us to doubt the invisible God who is working for us all the time. The enemy uses time as a factor and makes us tense about what is not happening when the clock is ticking away. But we can have faith in our God and expect a thunder storm even when there is no sign of any clouds. By faith we can give our five lofty loaves of barley bread and two small fish in a desert to the Lord and expect to feed thousands or kill a lion in a pit on a snowy day. Our flesh has always the craving for evidence and the enemy will use our natural man to doubt our faith. These are the arrows of flame that the enemy sends to us to defeat our life of faith. But to extinguish these arrows which inflame our spiritual lives, God has given us a great shield of faith which has the heavenly guarantee that it will never fail.

Hello, dear friend, are you today tossed around by your natural instincts to look for evidence to believe? Is your faith constantly shaken as you face the stark realities of life? Are you tempted to quit because the pressure on your soul is so strong for a long time? Are you bogged with doubt and confusion? God has given us a great and mighty shield called faith which is not man-made equipment, but a divine armor and is powerful enough to defeat any fiery dart of the enemy. It is the Spirit-enabled ability to believe against all odds and in any circumstance. Faith can walk the narrow road without seeing any thing because it holds on to the Light of the World. Faith reaches the destination even before it starts the trek. Faith doesn’t seek evidences but it receives in advance what it anticipates. Faith doesn’t know the word ‘impossible’ because it believes in the God of the impossible. Faith starts where sight fails. God doesn’t add any thing to faith because it is perfect in its capacity to accomplish what He wants us to have. It was through faith that Abraham received a son and Moses got the people of God out of Egypt through the Red Sea. It was through faith that Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. It is through faith that every child of God receives salvation. It is for us to use in our daily walk. It helps us daily to attempt great things for God. Faith is God’s answer to doubt, confusion, unbelief, fear and anxiety which are flaming arrows the enemy sends to us. God wants us to destroy these emotions by faith and become victorious. What is most important is that our faith is not in ‘faith’, but in God and His promises. Faith says that God will accomplish what He has planned for us in every circumstance. Today is our best opportunity yet to live by faith without which we cannot please God.

John 11:40 – Then Jesus said: “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

Thought for Today
Christianity is first and foremost faith-based and not evidence-based.


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