Father’s precious children!
Verse for Today: Saturday, December 29, 2012
Galatians 4:6 – Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Children enjoy special privileges from their fathers. They have the right to call on their fathers for help, support, guidance and provisions. They can ask their fathers questions for which they need answers. They inherit the assets of their fathers and carry their names forward into future generations. In creation, we are all God’s children, but in Adam, we committed sin and lost our privileges as His children. But God made us regain our position as His children when we were made to be born again into God’s family. Through Jesus Christ, we are given all the privileges of His children including the right to call Him ‘Abba Father.’  We are made co-heirs with Jesus Christ for all the treasures of God the Father which we can appropriate and enjoy. The Father has given us His Spirit through whom we can exercise our privileges as precious children. We can intimately call Him ‘Abba Father’ and present all our needs, apprehensions, anguishes, pain, misery and burdens to Him. When we go through difficulties and burdens in life, we can call on the Father to help get release from it all. When we face darkness in life, we can call Him and ask for light and direction. When we have shortages, we can ask Him to fill us. Our Father is available to us in all our circumstances and situations all the time. He lives for us and with us always. His Spirit has made our hearts and lives His dwelling place. He speaks to us to correct, rebuke and teach us through His Spirit and His Word. When we call, He always answers us. He wants us to commit ourselves to make His name hallowed in our lives and live for His glory. He wants our hearts and lives to be ceaseless streams of praise and adoration. Thus when we live to praise Him in all circumstances, He will fill our hearts with His glory so that there will be no room for grumbling, fear and anxiety.

Dear friend, do you feel that you are like an orphan because you don’t find anyone who cares for you? Are you feeling unwanted and isolated in life? Perhaps you might be experiencing rejection and resentment in life. But you are not abandoned by your Father in heaven. You are His precious child and He owns you because He purchased you with the greatest price. He is your creator and He recreated you on the cross of Calvary to become His beloved child. As the child of the Heavenly Father, you have every right to call Him ‘Abba Father’ with passion and intimacy. You have easy and fearless access to His presence through His Son. He is bound to answer you each time you call on His name. You have innumerable privileges in His presence. Your Heavenly Father is bound to feed, clothe and shelter you. He is duty bound to help meet all your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. He is not a Father who would abandon His precious children. He gives you rest and peace in the wake of burdens and turmoil in life. He encourages you today to pray to Him and expect answers at the right time. His answers will be always perfect in content and timing. He gives you the capacity to wait patiently for His answers. Today there is no reason for you to feel abandoned because you have a loving and concerned Heavenly Father who listens to your cries. It is your pleasant privilege to trust Him and live for Him as you call Him ‘Abba Father’ and present all your petitions.

Romans 8:15 – For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, “Abba Father.”

Thought for Today
It is our fearless privilege to go to our Father in Heaven with all our needs all the time and expect to get favorable hearing with assured answers.

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