Filled with peace – No room for troubles!

Verse for Today: Friday, September 23, 2011

John 14:1 – Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in (Jesus).

Human heart is prone to trouble because of internal and external causes. We are often troubled because of unfavourable circumstances, situations and events which are beyond our control. Our hearts become burdensome because of intimidation by people or forces around us which we are unable to handle. We become agitated when unexpected events shatter our hope and shake our emotions up. These create internal emotional entanglements in us like fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, confusion, disillusionment and perplexity. Jesus acknowledged to His disciples that even though these internal and external forces might trouble us, we should not let it influence our emotions, behavior and attitude. In other words, we need to develop a counter force in our hearts against these troublesome forces which try to shatter our confidence and plunge us into despair. This counter force is faith which we need to cultivate in our hearts. This faith is not self confidence, positive thinking or firmness in our beliefs, but our confidence in our Lord who is able to give us His strength and power to handle the causes of trouble which try to beat us up. Such faith is planted in our hearts by the Word of God and the Spirit of God. In order for the Spirit to plant the Word of faith in our hearts, we need to read and meditate on the Word of God and allow it to sink deep into our hearts. As we meditate, the Spirit will apply the Word to our hearts and reveal the glory of our Lord to us and generate faith in our hearts. So when doubt or confusion comes to knock at the doors of our hearts, we will be unshaken and confident in the Lord and His power. Our faith in the power of our Lord will thus help us to prevent the powers of darkness from influencing us to get troubled.

Dear friend, are you troubled in your heart because of internal or external causes? Do you fall a prey to doubts, confusion, intimidation and anxiety and get your heart troubled with fear and hopelessness? There is a panacea for your troubles which is hope and faith in the Lord Jesus. If we allow Jesus to rule in our hearts as our Lord, and if we give Him full freedom over our emotions and thoughts, He will take full control over our hearts. Let each and every thought that emerges in our hearts be in subjection to the Lord. Let us not give any room for troubles to come in and take control over our emotions. Let us fill our hearts with the Word and ask the Spirit to fill us with Jesus. If the Word says that the Lord will look after our affairs, let us believe it with our whole heart, soul and strength and give evidence to it by not allowing anxiety and despair to creep into our hearts. Let us allow the Word of God to stand guard at the doors of our hearts. Let the Word prevent us from hearing the words of the enemies of our souls. Let our eyes not see any thing that is contrary to seeing the glory of the Lord Jesus. Let us not permit the enemy to drop in any thoughts of doubts and confusions into our hearts. Let us keep our minds from developing doubts and phobias by putting our hope in the Lord. This was how Abraham waited by faith for a quarter of a century for Isaac. Joseph had the same faith for over 13 years when he waited for his dreams to become a reality. Let us follow their path and put our faith in the Lord and keep our hearts and minds from getting troubled because of the external and internal environment which the enemy of our souls will use to trap us into trouble our hearts and thus drain us of our faith in our Lord.

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Thought for Today
When God’s peace that passes all understanding fills our hearts, there will be no room for troubles of any sort to enter us.

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