Fountain of goodness!
Verse for Today: Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Nahum 1:7 – The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.
The goodness of God is available to all His children to experience all the time. His goodness can be tasted in a tasteless world. His goodness is extended to His people at all seasons and times and in all circumstances. He showers His goodness on His children during times of rain and shine. But we recognize its depth during times of trouble. When all are against us, His nearness means a lot more to us than when the going is good. When we are lonely and rejected, He comes to us in His goodness to give us divine fellowship. When we are weak, His goodness comes to us in the form of divine strength and power. When we are poor, He reminds us of all the riches that He has kept for us in glory. When we do not find hope in our circumstances, He gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow. God gave hope to Noah through the ark when His judgment to the nations was in the anvil. He appeared to Moses and Gideon when there was no hope for a brighter future for His people from oppression. Joseph experienced it in the pit and the dungeon in which the world locked him up. Jacob found His goodness when he lost Rachel and Joseph and was on the verge of loosing all his children. A broken hearted Isaiah experienced His goodness in His presence at a time of national confusion and depression after the death of king Uzziah. The Magi found His goodness when they experienced His guidance through the star. Paul and Peter enjoyed His goodness in prisons. Elijah tasted His goodness each day at Kerith and at Zarephath. John found abundance of His goodness in the Island of Patmos. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah and Elizar would say the same about their experiences of the Lord. Without any exception all God’s children at all times have tasted His goodness as they went through storms, waves, flood, fire, dens of lions, caves and the wilderness. His goodness is the same today as it has been always for His children.
Dear reader, have you realized how much of His goodness the Lord has showered upon you? Your very existence and the innumerable times you have ploughed through trouble would be evidence to see how good the Lord has been to you. He gave you a life to live here on earth and sustained you till today because of His goodness. He met all your needs far beyond your expectations and merits because of His goodness. He kept you safe and sound allowed all your faculties to work efficiently because of His goodness. He made you dwell in His safety under His wings against all the snares of the enemy because of His goodness. He re-created you on the cross of Calvary and made you a new person because of His goodness. He makes His grace sufficient for all your situations because of His goodness. It is His goodness that you meet all your basic needs in life. He knows you far more than you know yourself, with all your strengths and weaknesses. He gives you opportunities to make use of your strengths for His glory and sustains you in spite of your weaknesses. He keeps you going towards your eternal destination on a daily basis and kindles hope in your heart about what He has designed for you in the future. In all your troubles, you can depend on Him, and He will never turn you away empty handed. He knows all your inadequacies and compensates for it all through His goodness and grace. He is near you and with you today to deliver you from all troubles and give you all that you need, to live for Him here on earth. Are you not the most blessed person on earth today because the Almighty is with you to shower His goodness on you? Remember, it is all on His account and you are the beneficiary. Today you are challenged to make use of God’s goodness and not waste it.
Psalms 31:19a – How great is Your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you.
Thought for Today
God’s goodness is like an ocean full of His grace, love, care, compassion and mercy, and it flows like a never ending stream and a fountain toward His children.
God’s goodness is like an ocean full of His grace, love, care, compassion and mercy, and it flows like a never ending stream and a fountain toward His children.