Fountain of Praise!

Verse for Today: Monday, October 10, 2011

Psalms 150:6 – Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Praise is an expression which comes from a life that is grateful to the life-giver. Praise acknowledges a heart full of gratitude for favors received. When the favors are unmerited, it provokes greater praise. There are a lot of people for us to give thanks for the various ways by which they touched our lives. But it is God who created us and used all these people to touch our lives and so God deserves greatest praise from us. God not only created us, but He also re-created us on the Cross of Calvary. So we are bound to praise God doubly for being the Lord of our lives. We praise Him for giving us life and allowing us to live each moment of our lives. He has granted us the privilege to live for Him. He facilitates us to touch the lives of others for Him. He makes us His instruments to serve others on His behalf. He teaches us great lessons in life which are of eternal value. He meets all our physical, emotional, intellectual and social needs. He has created us as unique individuals with unique talents, abilities and characteristics which are all meant for us to serve the Lord’s interests here in this world. Looking back into our past, there are innumerable reasons for us to praise Him. When we go through the rough patches of life, there are always enough reasons to look back and praise Him for bringing us thus far. Such an understanding of our past helps us to be grateful to Him and to keep trusting Him for the future also. As we trust the Lord for our future, we can praise Him for all our days that He grants us. There is always cause for us to thank the Lord for each moment of our lives because we exist, move around and progress towards our eternal home because of Him.

Dear reader, is your life a joyful procession of praises to the Lord or a boring heap of grumblings? Are you finding enough reasons to thank the Lord for each moment in your life? This is the way to stop grumbling and start living. Grumbling is backward looking and negative which creates destructive thinking in us. A grumbler would find it difficult to observe any thing positive in one’s own life, in the life and events around us in the world. But God has created enough reasons for us to be thankful. Above all, He deserves gratefulness in our hearts because He has quickened us from our low estate where we were dead in our sins and trespasses. He gave us a new life with new opportunities and purposes. He takes us to new vistas of life to live for Him. He opens new avenues for us to touch the lives of others. He makes us help others to become alive to the realities of a life for Him. Let us make use of each new day that He gives us to exhibit His life in us. Let our lives become a festival of praise for Him who has brought joy in our lives. Let our joy find its vent out into this depressing world and let it influence the melancholic lives of the people of this world who have no hope in life. Let us each day count our blessings of the past, continue to praise the Lord and get ourselves lost in the wonder and awe of Him who made it all possible in our lives.

Psalms 63:3 – Because Your lovingkindness is greater than life, my lips will praise You.

Thought for Today
The fountain of ceaseless praise will emanate from a heart full of gratitude.

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