Verse for Today: Monday, May 16, 2011
Psalms 25:3a – No-one whose hope is in You will ever be put to shame.

One of the greatest embarrassments and frustrations in life come to us when our hope turns out to be ashes. When we put our anchor on things or people of this world, and believe that our hope will be fulfilled, we are often met with disappointment. This is because people, things or circumstances do not have the capacity to fulfill our hope. When we find that such hope is shattered, we plunge into frustration and are met with shame among the people around. If we put our hope and faith in the systems of this world, we find that the systems often fail us. Technology falls far short of our expectations to help us in our dire needs. Money often thwarts our hope we put in it because it cannot give us what we need. Money can purchase entertainment, but not lasting and deep joy. Money will not give us sleep and peace, but only pills. We often trust in people, hoping that they will stand with us, but find them change their promises to help. But this is not the case with our hope in the Lord because He has the capacity and willingness to see that our hope in Him is met with fulfillment and satisfaction. The Lord gives us what we need at the right time in the right manner. He lovingly invites His children to put their hope and trust in Him. But as we put our trust in Him, we also put our trust in His wisdom to decide what is best for us. We also find that the Lord does far beyond our expectations to meet our needs which we are not even aware of. Our expectations are finite and have limitations. But He gives according to His infinite wisdom about our present and future needs, and according to His dignity and status to bless us to overflowing.

Dear friend, are you frustrated because you put your hope in people, things and circumstances? You should know better whether there is any meaning in putting our hope in the seemingly mighty and great people in this world? People’s attitude, character and ability change which makes it impossible for them to fulfill our hope in them. Things in which we put our hope fall far short of our expectation because of their erosion in strength and relevance to meet our needs. There is no meaning in trusting in our unstable circumstances which are volatile and unpredictable. But our Lord is stable as a rock and His character or attitude towards us does not change. He loves us in spite of our frailties and shortcomings. He is compassionate and merciful to us in all our circumstances. His displeasure with us doesn’t mean that He will destroy us. Even when we disappoint Him, He will still be with us because He knows that we cannot exist in this world without His benevolence. No one who looks to Him will be put to shame because it will not bring forth glory to His name. When God does mighty things in our lives, all of that would cause His name to be glorified in our lives. But if want His favour in our lives, our attitude towards Him should be one of absolute faith and trust. This means that we will have to go to Him with our needs and put all our cares at His feet. We can find rest and peace in the Lord when we cast all our cares on Him because there will definitely be no disappointment or shame to those who trust in the Him.

Psalms 34:5 – Those who look to (the Lord) are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Thought for Today
When we put our hope in the Lord, we are making our lives available for Him to glorify His name through His mighty works in us.

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