From tyranny to freedom!

Verse for Today: Sunday, April 01, 2012

Luke 12:32 – Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.

We are often concerned about the little things in life and tend to develop anxiety about its availability in the future. The possibility of not having it in the future tends to make us afraid. But our Lord wants to remind us today that our expectations are too small and mundane. He also asks as to why we have apprehensions about the future availability of these mundane things. The puny man is so much concerned about the little things in life and his expectations are for small things in small measure. We tend to waste our energies and efforts on the little things most of which are not important from the point of view of our eternity. But our God is planning big things for us and has great things in mind for us. His expectations for us are great and He is interested in preparing us for these great things. He has already decided to give us His great kingdom which will make us possess all that He has. He is interested in developing our capabilities to possess and enjoy the Kingdom. He wants us to have great expectations from our God because our God is so great and big. He wants to give us great things to own and operate from. But if we are interested in the small things in life, it would thwart us of the great plan God has for us. We are asked to desire great things for God and from God. We are asked to enlarge our perspectives and get ourselves geared up to receive, enjoy and use these great resources that God wants us to have so that we would reach the potential God has planned for us. So there is no need for us to mind the little earthly things and waste our energies and opportunities which God gives us.

Dear reader, are you anxious about the little needs that you have for today and tomorrow? Are you afraid of the consequences of not having those little things in life? Do you think it is infra dig if you do not have these little things? But your God is interested in giving you much greater things in life. Instead of being a slave to the desire to have small things in life, He wants us to have great things and great opportunities to accomplish things for Him. When we crave for small things in life, God wants to make us possess His whole kingdom and be a ruler. He is not interested in limiting you to insignificant and silly materials or positions in life here on earth, but to make you a ruler so that you can rule with Christ in His kingdom. He doesn’t want you to be ruled by these little cravings for which you might attribute great value and importance. Let us forget the small things that we want today and focus our desire and attention on the great things that our Lord wants us to enjoy in our life for Him. Let us revisit our desires, aspirations, cravings and dreams and have them refocused on the great kingdom and opportunities that we receive from the Lord. Spiritually we are already in that kingdom and so must rule over our little cravings and live like kings and queens. Let us not shrink to become fearful slaves to situations and things, but become spiritual rulers in God’s realm of things.

Psalms 81:10b – Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

Thought for Today

Let us unshackle ourselves from the tyranny of the little things on earth and learn to enjoy the opportunity for the great things that our Lord wants to give us.

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