Gather by faith!

Verse for Today: Thursday, March 01, 2012

Exodus 16:4 – Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day”.

God is concerned about His people and He doesn’t want them to go hungry whether they are in the desert on the sojourn or in the land of Canaan. He has enough and more bread for them so that they need not starve. He will give it to them in unusual ways which no one has even imagined. He knows how many people are out there in the desert and how much is required for each person on a daily basis. He opens the windows of heaven to rain it down on them abundantly. What God provides is the bread of the mighty which would meet all the nutritional requirements especially for a walk through the desert. It comes to the people on a daily basis so that there is no concern for storing up for the future. Enough is supplied for each day’s needs for the whole family. But God expected the people to go out and gather enough for each day. Any effort to store up for the next day would in essence be mistrusting God who has promised to meet daily needs until they would be able to cultivate the Promised Land. People have to wait in faith for each day’s supplies to come on that day and trust God to send it at the neediest hour. God thus established the trust of His people in His power, strength, provisions and adequacy for all their needs. He never went back on His ways of providing for their needs. But it is interesting to see that this is how God provides for all living beings on a daily basis. We are expected to be satisfied with the provisions He makes each day and trust Him to send for our future as days unfold. It is true of our physical, emotional and spiritual needs which only the Lord can fully satisfy both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Dear reader, are you in physical, emotional and spiritual needs today? It is important for you to recognize that your needs can only be satisfied completely by the Lord. He wants you to believe that He is the ultimate source of all that you need and receive. He creates channels for you through the ability He grants you to work gainfully. But it is He who develops your faculties to earn the living as you go out to gather what He gives you. Each night as you retire, you have to put all your need-based expectations on the Lord to meet the next day. He has promised sufficiency for all your tomorrows. Some gather through tent making and others through sowing and harvesting of the crops. Still others go fishing or work as carpenters. It is interesting to see that each of these human endeavors has a spiritual significance. We make tents for the spiritually homeless and harvest the spiritual crops. Our fishing is ultimately for souls and our carpentry work is in the workshop of the Carpenter of Nazareth in the building of His church. We are commanded to go out and pick by faith expecting the Lord to meet us out there in the open. We must have confidence in Him to provide for our gleaning in His field. Today if you are in emotional, spiritual or physical need, there is a call to go out in His name and at His Word, as did Peter in the lake, and catch enough to meet all your needs. Each bite God gives meets a need for which all glory goes to Him who is the provider, healer and sustainer of each of us. It is exciting to live a day at a time in total dependence on the Lord’s provisions to satisfy us in all the areas of our lives. As we give thanks to Him for what He has given us for today, we put our faith in Him for all our tomorrows.

Psalms 107:9 – ….. He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Thought for Today

The manna out there is found by only those who have the faith to trust God to go out and pick.


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