Gathering faith!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Psalms 104: 28 – You (God) give it to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.

It takes the greatest giver with immeasurable resources to give to all who are in need. There are far more hands and mouths to feed in this world than what the world can attempt. But meeting the needs of all has been God’s prerogative since creation. World economic systems like capitalism, socialism and communism have failed miserably to meet the needs of people. Man often has a superfluous feeling that he is feeding himself by his smartness. But to those who trust in God, He comes to meet all their needs. He feeds the hungry and quenches the thirsty. He is the friend of the widows and the destitute. He grants fellowship to the lonely. He forgives the repentant sinner and takes away all guilt. He goes to dry the tearful eyes of the suffering and the abused. He gives sleep to the sleepless and friendship to the friendless. He accepts those who are rejected and resented. He makes the homeless dwell in homes with warmth and acceptance. He gives to all through His methods to meet the needs of the deprived and the derelict. He heals the sick and carries the weak on His shoulders. He doesn’t give people what they deserve because of their sinfulness, but grants them pardon if they repent. But sadly man often falls into the philosophy of the world to strive to make the best out of their earthly opportunities. Man is not satisfied with what he has and proves his worth by making more. In the process, he uses all his energy and finally leads a life which is like a mirage without any satisfaction. He goes from need to want and then on to comfort and luxury and often secures it through smart strategies. But the more he has, the more he is struggling to get and finds that nothing can truly satisfy him.

Hello, dear reader! Are you submerged in the rat race to satisfy your every desire for wants, comfort, luxury and self esteem? Are you struggling with your strategies to reach the pinnacle of success in life? But God wants you to live by faith and trust Him to meet all your needs. He meets your material, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. He is interested in giving you a heavenly life here on earth by faith. He is the possessor of all things and has enough to meet all your needs which money cannot buy. Bags of money can never buy the happiness that you so desperately crave. Money can buy sleeping pills, but not sound sleep, peace and rest. Money buys entertainment, but not true joy. But you may trust God for all your daily needs and use the energy He has given you to gather what He brings on your pathway for all your tomorrows. He gives food, shelter, clothing, health, peace, sleep, joy and the like for His children. He gives contentment in what He gives and makes you grateful to Him, rather than run after the mirages of this world which fool you. Look at Prophet Elijah who waited for the raven each morning and evening for his daily food. Look at the widow of Zarephath who kept on making bread each day and found that her jug of oil never ran dry and the jar of flour never used up. This God is our God who has promised to sustain us. He who feeds the sparrows and decorates the lilies will do abundantly more for us. Instead of getting anxious, let us leave it to Him to meet our needs. We should be prepared to gather what He provides each day and praise Him.  

Hebrews 10:38 – But My righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.

Thought for Today

Faith is the key which will open the warehouse of God’s riches.

Prayer for Today

Dear Lord Jesus: Help me to trust You for all my needs today and on all tomorrows to live by faith in You alone. Amen!

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