Gifts by grace!
Verse for Today: Monday, April 01, 2013
Matthew 25:15 – To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his ability and he went on his journey.

Our God is a giving God. He is absolutely abundant in resources of all kinds and has the desire and willingness to share it among His children. He knows our abilities and capacities to use His resources and gives us accordingly. His resources have the inherent power to enlarge and increase if used according to His instructions. He gives different resources to different servants because He knows who can do what with each resource at different times and places. He expects His servants to employ His resources to make it a blessing to others. It is He who decides to distribute His resources according to His will and pleasure. God’s resources are the different graces that He gives to His servants to be of use in the lives of those who do not have it. All the material support that He gives to His servants is out of His grace.  What He gives to His servants is not based on their worthiness to receive anything from Him, but on His benevolence and compassion. He gives to meet the spiritual, emotional and social needs of His servants.  All that His servants have are gifts from the Master. He gives to us all according to His riches in glory and no one is left behind without anything. He gives us because He cares for us and is full of compassion for us. He gives us because He is interested in our sustenance, growth and development. He gives us because He knows that we are a set of poor, hungry, thirsty, deprived and battered people. He gives us like a shepherd feeds and cares for his sheep. He gives to meet every need at all times. But He wants us to realize that He is far more important than any gift that He gives us. He wants us to show our gratefulness to Him by serving Him with what He has entrusted with us.  

Dear friend, are you feeling deprived and abandoned in life? Do you think that you are not important because you are not given as much as others are given by God? But if you look at what others have and compare it with what is entrusted with yourself, you will not have the time to enjoy and use what you are given. Come to think of it, who among us is qualified or worthy to receive anything from our God! If at all we have received anything, it is out of God’s grace and compassion. It has pleased Him to consider us worthy to receive His best. First of all, we must feel satisfied with what we are given and should not fall into the temptation to make comparisons. Secondly, we must use what is given to us without hiding or hoard it. If we do not use what we are given, we do not have any right to ask for more. He expects us to use the energy He has given us to employ the resources He has entrusted with us rather than make negative comparisons which drain away our joy and lead to grumbling. Let us look into our lives and marvel at what has been entrusted with us and be compelled to employ it for the Master’s glory. If we are found faithful in using God’s resources which are given to us, He might be pleased to give us more to be employed for Him. Let us never complain about what we do not have, but be grateful for what has been already received and endeavor to use it for Him. When we need more, it will be given in the right measure to meet every need at the right time and place.

Psalms 103:5 – (The Lord) satisfied your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Thought for Today
Employing what is given to us for the Master’s affairs is the sure way to receive more grace from Him.
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